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"Welcome to Music Right Now"

"Its your crazy'n'cool chick"


The crowd goes wild,when the host saunters the stage while dancing to fly like a G6.

"How y'all doing this lovely friday evening?" she asks

The audience replies by cheering,hollering and clapping

"The headlines for today's show is "BATTLE OF THE BANDS"

The crowd goes crazy

"Now what comes to your mind when you hear these words?

"Music Competition" the audience replies

"So recently two of the biggest bands in the world both released a single.

"The catch is these singles both have the same title, and were released the exact same time!"

"Everyone's buzzing about these two great songs by our favorite bands 1 direction and Girls in motion."

"What we are all asking is whose is better?

"We where able to invite one of the bands".

The crowd goes wild in anticipation.

"Give, it up for the 21st centuries biggest boy band"


The whole studio was bursting with applause from the audience as members of the band make their way on stage.

"Hey everyone, we are so happy to be here" Liam said

"Yeah its an honor to be here with u guys" Zayn said

"Thank you, thank you guys for being here,so let's talk about what going"

"You guys recently dropped the single titled "best song ever" and we are all loving it, my question is what inspired you to write the song?". She asked

"Well um, the inspiration behind that song is that feeling, when you hear a song for the first time and you have no idea who sang the song, what's it title, the lyrics." Liam said

"But you love the rhythm of the song, because something magical happened while listening to the song." Harry said.

"Anytime you remember the rhythm, you feel happy because it brings a beautiful memory back to you." Louis said

"So yeah that's it." Zayn concluded

"Wow, that really is a nice feeling" says Sierra

"You guys won't believe this, another girl band named "Girls in motion" released a single titled best song ever at the same time as you guys"

"What a coincidence?" says Sierra.

"Wait, there still more,for some reason fans are torn between who's song is better!" sierra says

"WHAT"the boys said at the same time.

BEST SONG EVER(under Total Reconstruction)Where stories live. Discover now