Chapter 34

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Disclaimer: This will have a few time jumps as I want to get to the point of the story where I can finish it hope you all understand :)

1 week after being discharged:

Derek's POV:

"Derek do you need anything!?"

I've been home for a week now and Meredith has taken over the role of hovering over the injured and the sick and now I understand why she can't stand it when I hover over her.

"No, Meredith I am fine, can you stop cleaning for one second so I can talk to my wife."

"Are you sure, if you want to something to eat I can go cook something up for you, well maybe not cook I can't cook but I can go buy something or if you want me to go get you something like a magazine -"

I smashed my lips onto hers to stop her from rambling any longer.

"Meredith, you're rambling, I just want to sit here with you while Ellis is asleep and the other two are at school, okay?"

"And you thought kissing me would stop the rambling?"

"It worked didn't it?"

"Maybe it did, or maybe you will just have to try again."


Meredith's POV:

"Derek, mmm, we can't okay? You have proven yourself right you are still in casts, so no we are not going to."

"But Mer."

"No buts, now before I go to work and take Ellis is with me, do you need anything? Amelia will be dropping Zola, Bailey home from school and the hospital, and will be here until I get home okay?"


"Derek doesn't be moody, okay when you are healed then maybe we can do it, but not when you are still bed-bound."

"But- fine go to work, I am going to hobble over to the shower and take a cold one."

"Bye Derek."


This day couldn't go slower, nothing was coming into the trauma bay, all my surgeries went well without complications which is great but makes the day go so slow. At this rate, I could go home and make a home in time for dinner with Amelia's cooking (the better cook out of the Shepherds).

"Dr. Grey, there is an incoming trauma down in trauma room 1."

Great I hope it's a good one.

"What do we have here, Dr. Wilson?"

Jo- "52-year-old male, complaining of pain in the abdomen."

"How do we proceed?"

Jo- "I would get a laparoscopy to see if we can identify the cause from there."

"Okay, well then book it then don't just stand there."

It was clear by just looking at this man that it was liver cancer, his skin is a shade of yellow and if we want to act fast we are going to have to determine how far his cancer has progressed.


"Good evening, Mr. Jones. We are so sorry to tell you that once we got in to see how far your cancer had progressed, we couldn't take it all by itself we are highly suggesting a liver transplant, we can put you on the transplant list and we would just have to wait."

"Well, I want to take my chances and go onto the list please."

"Would you like us to call any family Mr. Jones?"

"No Sweetie, all my family has either died or don't talk to me, so it's just me. And maybe this is what karma had set out for me."

"I'm sorry to hear that Mr. Jones, Dr. Wilson will come and get you comfortable in your room, and I'll be back in the morning to check on you."


* 2 weeks after being released*

Derek's POV:

Meredith is still fast asleep and I want to wake her up because I have had an amazing idea, that I just can't wait to tell her.

"Meredith, it's time to wake up."


"Mer, come on we need to go see Callie get my casts off."

"Whyyyyyy, it's warm in here and it's like my own cocoon."

"How about we get up and then we can spend the afternoon under blankets with the kids."

"five more minutes please."

"No." I start pulling the blankets off of Mer which clearly didn't end how you would think.

"Derek! It's cold put the blankets back on me!"

"Nope, it's time to get dressed."

"You're too cheerful this morning, I am having a shower and you can't follow because you pulled the covers off of me. You're on baby duty."

It's not the easiest task to look after your daughter while you know your wife is in the shower naked.

I just hope my plan for today will all go well.


My nerves are getting the better of me, I can't keep still I am just so excited to ask Meredith the question I've been wanting to ask her ever since the accident and today is the day, today I am going to ask Meredith to renew our vows and with a wedding with all our friends and family. And I am starting to wonder if she would even say yes.

"Derek, you are worse than the kids, it's just a check-up you are a bloody brain doctor act like one."

Hangry Meredith never the side you want to be receiving end of and yet here I am, should have given her breakfast before we left. I planned to recreate the first proposal but now with updated scans and files from the very beginning starting with Katie Bryce to the most recent, Sandy Locke I just hope she will say yes to "marry" me once again.

"Derek honestly it's like you are doing the potty dance, just go to the bathroom we have a few minutes, Callie will understand."

"I do not need to go to the bathroom, I just can't contain my excitement about getting the casts off."

That's a lie I can't contain my excitement over what is going to happen after the casts are getting taken off. I have it all planned, I have managed to call Cristina and get her down here to distract Meredith while I get it set up, and then they are going to get "coffee" and BAM there I will be waiting for her in the elevator we shared our first proper kiss on our first days of work.

"God Derek, it's just two casts, it's like you are on a surgery high or something."

If only she knew what today had installed for her.

ngl the beginning of this chapter was a filler but by the end, I reached the point I needed to be at which I am happy about. I hope you liked this chapter :)

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If you have advice or ideas let me know it's always welcome.

Have a great day


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