Start from the beginning

"We're not idiots!" Chenle argued, nearly tripping over a potted plant as he struggled to follow. "Do you even know where we're going?"

"I do." Jaemin said, pointing at the map that was to the side of the group. "What are we doing exactly?"

"We should probably shut down the robots first," Jeno started. "That way, we can actually figure out what's going on. I saw a few battery packs out there."

"Exactly. Listen to Jeno, everyone!"

"Mark, you're the leader of this chaos, if you didn't know."

"Shut up, Jisung."


Location: Vision Building, Seoul, South Korea
Time: 10:32:49
Date: Mid November 2197

It had taken quite a bit of time for the group to actually find the rooms with the computers, which was located on the fourth floor. They originally wanted to find the power and shut it all off, but couldn't get in due to the door being locked. They had tried forcing the door open, but had no luck.

Mark looked at the first computer screen. "So, I'm guessing we can't just... turn off the computer. We actually have to power down whatever's keeping the robots alive."

"Of course." Chenle leaned forwards, towards another monitor as he squinted. "Five monitors, five Computer people. Jeno, Jaemin, Renjun, help us."

Haechan and Jisung were left to observe them, hands in their pockets as they waited for the other members to finish whatever they were doing.

"Um, why is there a rainbow bus?" The older suddenly said, squinting as he looked out the window that was in the room. "What is..."

"Alright, done!" Jaemin stepped back from his monitor. "Did it do anything?"

"...No," Jisung said, ignoring the bus that Haechan had pointed out. "Maybe when all the monitors are down?"

It took a few more minutes for that to happen. The group made sure to leave the room as fast as possible, flying down the staircase to check what was going on with the robots.

Jeno had been right– there were a few battery-operated robots that were still on the field, up and running like normal.

The moment they stepepd outside, Renjun ripped off the sunglasses and scrunched his nose. "Ew, robot corpses."

"We have bigger issues than the 'dead bodies' out here." Jisung was right– the remaining four robots were already coming towards them.

Mark cracked his knuckles. "Let's kick some robot ass!"

"Less kicking, more battery-pack ripping," Jeno added. "The faster we take those off, the faster we get to leave."

"Oh god, I want to leave." Haechan was first to move, taking down the first of the robots. He started to pry off the battery pack, snapping the others into action. Renjun moved to assist him, Chenle and Jisung took down another, and Mark, Jeno, and Jaemin took down the third.

"Wasn't there a fourth one?" The oldest suddenly asked.

Jisung paused. "Yeah..." he looked over towards the bus, and that's where it clicked. He jumped off the robot, letting Chenle peel off the battery pack. "In there."

The others finally ditched the robots they had beaten, running towards the rainbow van.

"Why is there a gay van?" Haechan asked, but continued running.

Jisung reached it first, finding the robot in the frontseat. His first instinct was to try and rip off it's ugly mask, but couldn't. "God, this is literally your head."

He immediately grabbed onto it's arm, pulling it into the backseat. By now, the rest of the NCT DREAM members had arrived, and just the slam of the metal against the floor was enough to make the bot spasm.

Jisung stepped back. "Okay, I'm not touching that. God, are you all in here?"

Chenle, who had entered last, moved to step back. Something told him to look back before he did and–

"Holy shit, we're flying!"

The others looked out of the windows, and sure enough, they weren't on the ground anymore. "We're going way up!" Jisung commented.

Mark panicked, jumping into the front seat. He looked at the gear stick, which was in neutral. He moved it into reserve and slowly, slowly, slowly pressed on the gas.

The entirety of DREAM breathed a sign of relief as they started moving down.

Chenle peered into the front seat, observing the focus on Mark's face. "Okay, maybe your driving isn't that bad."

"It's the flying."

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