Your Majesty is on his knees - romanogers | Part 2

Start from the beginning

The Palace was having some important visits and that's why I was being kept in that room.

What kept me from leaving so far was a letter that came from my commander.

It was deposited under the door when I was alone, the contents were in codes so after I sold them I burned the letter for safety. The content basically said that I was doing a good job and that it remains that way because I was helping my nation.

I know it doesn't make a lot of sense but I was kind of proud. You see, I had to lie to join the US Army and I wasn't the tallest and strongest of men either but that changed when Dr. Abrahan Erskine used me as an experiment.

After a series of tests and weeks of training I was injected with a serum called Super Soldier Serum, which to everyone's surprise was a success. The procedure gave me superhuman strength, a few more inches and "healing power", meaning my body heals from wounds faster than normal.

Shortly thereafter, Dr. Erskine was murdered and the commander thought it best to stop and hide the research. This brings us back to the present day, I had been kicked out of the army and brought back recently because there was a special mission for me.


Narrator POV

That same day, hours later a guard came to fetch Steve, again wearing only a robe, he was led through dark corridors to a private wing of the Castle.

There were at least six guards throughout the hallway, all lined up with their gazes fixed in front of them.

the guard that the trouxe led him to the door at the end of the hall, he opened the door and motioned for Steve to come in, as soon as Steve came in he closed the door and left Rogers there alone.

Steve looked around the room, the room was pastel shades, a slight mix between pink and orange, velvet sheets covered the bed, there were three adjoining doors in the room.

A table set for two was in the corner by the window he suspected of opening onto the porch.

The door opened and he turned to see the queen enter.

Natasha wore a dress in a shade of purple, the dress seemed to be heavy even though it was made of velvet. The cut was strapless leaving her shoulders bare, the bodice was tight making her breasts bounce slightly. Her hair was pulled back into a bun and some loose curls to complete a crystal crown with purple diamonds flaunted her head.

-You know,-the queen began to speak, drawing his attention to her face instead of her body-usually people bow when the queen enters the room.

- That doesn't suit me. - he said.

- What suits you? Obeisances? Deaths? Invasion? Devastation?

- What?

- Nothing. - She dismissed the subject with a nod. - How is your stay in my kingdom? she asked going to the dressing table, she stopped in front of the mirror and carefully removed the crown followed by the jewels she wore, placing them on the furniture.

- Bearing in mind that I barely left the doors of my room, I'm sure it's been very helpful. - His voice dripped irony.

- Help me here. - She said pointing to the bodice bow. - Are you feeling bored?

Steve approached her, his hands gently untying the laces, Natasha held the front of the dress so it wouldn't fall off.

Steve looked into the mirror and saw Natasha looking at him.

- Not a lot. - He replied after a while looking at her in the mirror's reflection.

- What a pity. - the queen pouted. - I had ideas to entertain you.

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