"My, look at how much you've grown and changed, Adrien" Aunt Amelie kissed me on the cheek.

"Yeah, new style and such." I chuckled.

"Hey, Adrien. Wow, you look brand new." Felix noticed my new hair color.

"Thanks. And I see you've changed your fashion too. A big fan of the bat hero in London?" I pretended that I don't know he's Bat Noir.

Felix now wears a black shirt with the Bat Noir wing symbol logo, blue jeans, and red converse shoes.

"Oh yeah. You could say London has their Batman now." Felix joked.

"Awesome to hear. Come, just like old times." I have him follow me upstairs to my room so that we can have a real talk without having our moms hear.

"So how's your relationship with Ladybug?" Felix asked.

"Fine, it's great to be back as a duo again," I said.

"I also see you're dating Marinette Dupain-Cheng on Facebook," Felix said.

"Yup, we are. We've been dating for a year. It's great to feel love in the air. Maybe someday you'll find love in London who likes bats" I teased him.

"I sure hope I will." Felix shrugs.

My cats meowed to see my cousin again but he noticed that I have 4 cats. They rubbed their sides on his legs.

"Still having these cats?" He pets one of them.

"Yup. They are completely tamed now." I said.

"I'm surprised you're still their master after all." He picked up Snowy the white cat with blue eyes.

"What can I say. These cats are like my children" I chuckled and picked up Catty Noir, "They are my kitties. Maybe then, you get to tame the bats"

"To have as my personal army of helpers, yeah." Felix laughed a little.

"Indeed. Bats are night creatures you know. And cats have nine lives. Unless you've been scaring bad guys like a vampire" I guessed, just to tease him.

"Nope, because Fangs taught me what fear is about," Felix said and his bat kwami came out.

"Exactly, and all those grapes are enough to satisfy me." He said in his usual Transylvanian accent.

"So he likes grapes? Green or purple?" I asked.

"The purple ones," Felix said.

"I knew it. I always think purple matches with black. Got another cat and bat hang out again? Ladybug would love to hear stories of the things you did in London" I said.

"Gladly," Felix said and puts on the medallion, "Fangs, wings open!" He transformed into Bat Noir in a red flash.

"Plagg, claws out" I transformed into Cat Noir in a green flash.

"Whoa, even as Cat Noir, your hair is black?" Bat Noir noticed.

"Well as Adrien I have a purple hue to it," I said.

"Awesome. Now we look twins again" Bat Noir grinned and glided out the window as I followed.

"The Noir twins now." I joked as I followed and dialed Ladybug to meet up at a spot.

We decided to meet up at Notre Dame. Puuurrrrrrfect spot for my favorite bat to meet my lady. We came to the rooftop of the cathedral and waited for Ladybug to show up.

"Ah, the famous church in Paris. Fang-tastic to get a view underneath my wings" Bat Noir made a pun.

"Almost living as a gargoyle here?" I chuckled.

"Very funny. Watch this" He let out a small bat squeak and it attracted one bat hiding out of nowhere, flying towards him.

"Whoa, you talk to bats?" I was impressed he learned something for a year.

"I learn a lot of things as a bat hero. Talking with bats and putting fear as you know." He said and lets the bat go back to its hiding spot.

"Yup. Well least no more Hawk Moth or Volpina now." I said.

"You got rid of Volpina?" Bat Noir was surprised.

"Of course. I destroyed the remaining akuma around here." I said.

"Impressive, kitty cat. Now Paris can finally be at peace. Well, sort of" Bat Noir said.

"Except all criminals," I said.

"Hello Noir twins." Ladybug arrived.

"Nice to meet you again, madam" Bat Noir held her hand and kissed it.

"Same here bat boy." Ladybug replied.

"It's been a year, Ladybug. I have completely changed to a good bat. I've been stopping bad guys like a true hero. My kwami has changed my life" Bat Noir said, twirling his cane.

"That's great Bat Noir." Ladybug replied.

"Yup. I've stopped many crimes in my city but don't have to worry about a miraculous villain there." Bat Noir said.

"And I hope you know that being a superhero is about responsibilities, not for fame," I said since I taught him that.

"I know," replied Bat Noir.

"Looks like we got another robbery at the store again. You up for it, batty?" Ladybug saw activity from her bug phone.

"Of course." Bat Noir spread his wings, flying down from Notre Dame.

With Ladybug and I back as a duo and Bat Noir as the newest hero, Paris has been safer than it ever was before. And I've experienced between being a hero and a criminal anti-hero. But now back being the hero, I was and with the friends and family brought back together I hope milady and I stay heroes.

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