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(Cat Noir's POV)

Marinette may be cute and innocent like a mouse but she's very sweet and kind to not judge. At least she's not scared of me but she truly misses my cat puns. That superhero me does the cat puns, this anti-hero doesn't. Sometimes I do have a few cat puns in me whenever I fight bad guys.

I came to a very expensive jewelry store but there were bad guys with guns. I don't feel scared but I do not wanna get shot. I did say I have nine lives but that was just an expression when in reality I have one life. Maybe two lives actually. Okay, three lives. Since I'm Adrien, Aiden, and Cat Noir. I walked through the broken glass window and they saw me as I smirked wickedly.

"No animals in this store, pussy cat!" One of them held a gun.

I chuckled evilly that they think that's gonna intimidate me, "No one said about cat burglars allowed, boys. You got a lot to learn about cats" I said as one of them tried to shoot but I jumped up high to the glass balcony to dodge. Causing smoke to blind them but it cleared up and they have no idea where I am.

I kicked down two of them to the floor and turned around to see another thug trying to shoot me as I climb up the walls like a cat and dodged the bullets jumping around. I disarmed the man and then sweep kicked him to the floor, then cartwheel kicked the others. I looked back and used one of them as a surfboard across the slippery floor to knock him out as I jumped out of the way. I noticed one thug reaching for his gun but I jumped in midair and slide underneath him, standing up quickly and kneed him in the groin to stun him and pulled him by his hair.

"Meow." I taunted him before knocking him out. Too easy as always.

"Amateurs" I chuckled that they're all unconscious. The cops will arrest them sooner or later. I grabbed a few bracelets and rings and put them in my zipped pocket to pawn tomorrow morning.

Suddenly I felt someone grabbed me but I judo throw someone over my shoulder and pinned her arms down and sat down on her stomach, "Slippery move, bugaboo. I have enhanced hearing, remember? Better watch out or you'll get clawed. I told you to stay out of my way" I grinned evilly but she's not intimidated by me.

"It gets boring without akumatized villains around, kitty. Where's the fun in that?" Ladybug smirked.

"Hmmm...." I purred and pulled her up and roughly pinned her against the wall but she once again wraps her legs around my waist to trap me, "If there was fun, you would've fallen in love with me"

"I don't fall in love with thieves" Ladybug held in her moan since I gently squeezed her thighs, trying to get them off my waist.

"Seems I was wrong with you as my purrfect lady, but as my purrfect nemesis," I replied seductively.

"I prefer that I'm still your lady, kitty cat. You know I never replace the partner I once had" Ladybug stroked my untamed hair.

"Well, it's a pity you're alone now fighting your ex-partner." I purred.

"Don't bet on it, Cat Noir. You have saved me a few times. Remember last week you saved me from a thug about to shoot me? There's a bit of heroism in you" Ladybug still stroking my hair.

"How could I when I know you'll never abandon me?" I said.

I hear the bad guys waking up with a groan. I pushed her off me since I gotta take care of those guys before they hurt Ladybug or me.

"Excuse me, bugaboo" I ran on all fours, kicking one by one at them to knock them out cold. For like 10 seconds.

"Good job kitty." She scratched my chin.

🐾Feline Criminal🐾Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ