Team Isekai

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The city of E-Rantal seems to be stuck in in the western time period of horse carriages, but still with indoor plumbing.

The last thing I am is a historian, so I really can't say what era this would be in Earth's frame, but nonetheless, I am immensely relieved that the civilizations isn't anything too different from my homeland's own distant past.

And the indoor plumbing. Indoor plumbing is very much appreciated.

"Please watch your step, my-" Demiurge swallows his words, grimacing to himself at his near slip as he tries to subtly herd me around the small puddle on the cobblestone.

I smile wryly, noticing how stiff he's become since we've been allowed to enter the city's walls.

It seems we've hit on a busy day, with the sidewalks bustling with people and horses pulling open carriages on the street. Wooden stands and bricked shops alike try to attract more customers with a few employees holding up signs with deals on them, almost pushing them in your face, and I spot a few lured customers trying to haggle prices with the sellers.

The loud chatter and almost overwhelming mix of different scents causes my temples to ache, and I can see myself working up quite the headache if stuck here for too long.

'I suppose super-senses isn't always a blessing,' I grumble to myself. I eye Demiurge, wondering how he's handling all of this himself. He's nearly as straight as a ruler, shoulders tense, gaze flickering here and there as he tries to guard me from the buzzing crowd with his own body. His eyes are narrowed and sharp for any possible threat, lips pursed.

(I can't help but be hyper-aware of every time his body brushes my own, the sensation lingering.)

"Relax," I tell him with a hand on his right arm. "They aren't going to jump out and attack us, you know," I tease.

Demiurge inclines his head. "Forgive me. While I don't believe these...Sheep are of any current threat, I wish that you didn't need to subject yourself to such filth."

Well, that just about ruins my good mood. "De-Dagan, please don't call them filth," I frown. "That's a bit uncalled for; we're in a middle of a city, mid-day. You can't expect people to respect personal space right now."

His eyes widen, as if I had just graced him with some kind of holy wisdom. "Oh, but of course! I deeply apologize, I shouldn't utter such things in risk of our mission. You are as correct and insightful as always!"

That...I don't think he got quite what I was going for, but I swallow around the awkward lump in my throat and redirect my gaze anyways. "Ah, well, you shouldn't be talking like that either -not that I don't find it charming-" 'Shut up, shut, why would you say that?!' "But, um, it doesn't really fit with your current appearance, you know? Just, ah, try to be more casual. I guess."

"Of course!"

"Right. Well, do you have any idea where the adventure guild might be? Can you read any of the signs?"

Demiurge cranes his neck to try to read the different writings around us, shaking his head. "My apologies- that is, I'm sorry, but I'm afraid that I am illiterate in this language. Though, it's very curious how we're able to understand them verbally..."

"Yeah, it is pretty weird..."

Rather stupidly, I didn't think of the possibility that this new world would have a langauge barrier before leaving Nazarick. Which is a big problem now. I'm fluent in both English and Japanese, but the symbols posted in this city isn't similar to either or any other language from the old world. It's not even similar to Ancient Norse, which YGGDRASIL would sometimes have for magical items before the Japanese translation.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2021 ⏰

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