A Death Worth Dying For

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Albedo finds me sprawled out on the moist grass, sides aching and trying to gasp lungfuls of air.

Distantly, I can recognize that this fit is probably more due to nerves than actual amusement, but I still can't seem to gather my wits long enough to reassure her that I am not, in fact, dying.

Do I feel like I'm dying? Maybe.

Still not actually dying.

'Though, now that I'm thinking it, maybe I have died.' Certainly, it would be more realistic than for me to be isekai'd like in some kind of anime-

Others are still called, Lupu and the furry-like Head Maid (-the fact that both healers have dog characteristics sends me further into peels of laughter, for whatever reason-) being front and centre, and although I try to wave both their reaching hands and concerns away, somehow I'm still herded back into the Tomb and escorted up to my room.

By the time that I'm being seated on my bed I've calmed down somewhat, phantom pains on my cheeks from grinning so much. A warm drink mixed with a potion is put in my hands, to which I drink under their insistence, but I put my foot down when it comes apparent that Albedo intends to tuck me into bed.

"Oh, no, no, no, no-" I chuckle, pushing off my bed. "There is no way I'm sleeping now of all times," I tell everyone firmly, wicked, wicked ideas springing to mind.

"But, My Lady-" Albedo protests.

I lock eyes with her, and the rest of her argument seems to die on her tongue. Taking a single step back, she sweeps an arm in front of her as she inclines her head.

"As you wish, Lady RyokoTheSassy21. What do you desire? How may we help you? Simply tell us, and it shall be so!"

I hold up a finger. "First of all, you can stop calling me by my username. Just Ryoko is fine. That goes for all of you." A sudden, strong urge to to ruffle Albedo's head raises up, but I push it back down.

She straightens, looking resolute. "Understood, Lady Ryoko!"

I open my mouth, but then close it, sighing. That's not what I meant, but something about the determined glint in her eye tells me this is not a fight I'm going to win.

Truthfully, I don't know why Albedo and everyone is acting the way they are, but at this point the only thing I can do is roll with the punches.

(Either that, or faint or something.)

"Okay, right," I continue. "Albedo? Can you get all of the floor Guardians here -oh! And Damien!" The possibility of getting to meet my own NPC, Damien Crawford in the flesh and blood, causes my heart to race and a wide smile to bloom, stretching my already sore cheeks.

She hesitates, just for a split second. "Forgive my insolence, but do you mean to include Gargantua as well?"

"Ah." Right, that one isn't an NPC created by one of the guild members, but a bonus. Not to mention the sheer size of him -I highly doubt he'd be able to leave his own floor! "No, no, um, just the others, okay?"

"I shall do so without delay, Lady Ryoko. Then, please excuse me." Albedo leaves without further adieu, leaving me with the others.

An awkward, expectant silence befalls us, dimming the giddiness somewhat. I clear my throat, another uneasy chuckle bubbling up. "You guys can leave -do what you usually do, thanks."

They bow at the waist as one, Sebas stepping up as their spokesperson:

"As you command, my Lady."

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