Haunting Memories

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It was, indeed, a long, emotionally draining day.

After my talk with Albedo I go to the grand dinning room here on the ninth floor and am served a wide variety of breakfast foods. Including, to my slight amusement, a tray of all sorts of precious metals and gems for my consumption.

I won't deny that I wasn't curious how any of them might taste, but in the end decide to push that exploration for another time.

Although the table had near been bursting with the buffet style meal, and despite my first assumption that this is obviously too much for one person, my hungry, hungry dragon stomach strikes again.

I suppose I wasn't able to see it the day before at dinner because Cocytus ate just as much, but I really can eat my weight and then some in this body.

I scare even myself...

After devouring the majority of the foods I decide that first and foremost, I must fix this new flight issue. I head towards the sixth floor's arena with Fifth dutifully following behind first, but once at the entrance I notice Aura trying to train one of her giant beasts. Not wanting to interrupt, I then decide to go up to the seventh floor instead.

The stifling and searing heat on the seventh floor feels only pleasantly warm on my scales -which instantly brings me to my morning bath. I pause, turning to look at Fifth over my shoulder.

"My Lady?" She inquires curiously.

I hesitate. "Fifth..." I shake my head, mumbling to forget it as I continue onward. 'No wonder the maids had done their best not to come into direct contact with the water while washing me. The water probably would have covered them in blisters in no time at the very least!'

It makes me want to experiment what my new temperature tolerances are...

I ignore the lesser NPCs for the most part -no, not NPCs anymore- as they stop and stare, bowing as I pass. Because I know if I take the time to chat with each and every one, I won't actually have any time to do what I've came here to do. Still, completely ignoreing them doesn't sit well with me, so I offer them a tight-lipped smile and a few waves to acknowledge them.

My feet take me to a little cliff overhang. Slow leaks of lava drips from between the cracks, but not nearly enough to cause too big of a problem when climbing. The drop is about eight feet, and there's a bigger one further down the floor, however that one happens to overlook the main source of lava with very, very few safe landing spots on the bottom.

I don't fancy testing out my body's limits nearly as dangerously as that, or soon.

"Lady Ryoko?"

Turning to the sound of Demiurge's smooth voice, I see the archdevil making his way towards us with large strides. And if I didn't know any better, I'd say that he's barely holding back the spring in his step as he does so. His tail swayed lazily behind him, but picks up speed the closer he draws, the wide grin nearly splitting his face in two.

"To what do I owe the pleasure of your visit, my Lady?"

I tilt my head, wondering what could have happened for him to be in such a cheery mood. "Has Albedo told you...Everything already?"

His grin widens, if that's at all possible. "Indeed she has, Lady," he purrs with hand on his heart, the other hiding behind his back. "Although is saddens me greatly to hear the state of YGGDRASIL, to have the privilege to know..." He drops to one knee, staring up at me with unabashed, heart-stopping devotion. "Though you may try to argue that you and the other Supreme Beings are nothing of note, please forgive my insolence when I say that nothing could possibly be more untrue," he breathes.

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