[DreamXD x George] II Your God

Start from the beginning

   "George." DreamXD announced to get his attention. George whipped his head around to face the white mask on DreamXD's face. The god's voice sounded dark and unhappy with George.
   "DreamXD! I- um..." George stumbled to find any words to say.

   "You lied to me!" DreamXD growled at him.
   "Dream is still my friend! I am allowed to visit him!" George yelled back defensively as he took a step back from DreamXD toward the portal.
   "He's a dangerous man! He doesn't care about you!" DreamXD yelled at George, feeling betrayed and frankly jealous.

   "He's my friend! You aren't my only friend you know!" George yelled back, backing away from DreamXD as he stormed towards George.
   "I can give you anything you want in the world, how can anyone on the server give you anything more than my friendship?!" DreamXD growled at him as he stepped closer to George. The tall stature of the God frightening George as he stepped back.

   "DreamXD stop, you're being scary again." George tried to say in a calm voice to calm down DreamXD.
    DreamXD drove his fist into the Nether portal behind George, shattering it into pieces like glass, fragments of the purple portal wisp away into nothing.
   DreamXD took a deepbreath, calming down since there was no way for George to enter the prison anymore. At least not until someone opened the portal again.

   "There." DreamXD switched. He stepped back from George and stepped off the ground to casually float again. Having a much happier presence in contrast to what he was like a few seconds ago.
   George let out a breath, relieved that DreamXD didn't seem to be angry any more.
   "Now come spend time with me!~" DreamXD whined grabbing George's hand like a needy child.

   "No!" George yelled and took his hand back.
   "No?" DreamXD was loosing his patience.
   "You can't keep doing that! Being scary then pretending that nothing happened!" George yelled at him. "You can't keep getting away with that! You need some kind of punishment system or something!" George only realizes his poor choice of words after they're said.

   "A punishment system? I'm not the one here who needs to be punished!" DreamXD growled back. "Besides, you like it when I'm scary~" DreamXD grins under his mask, taking George's arm again, he stared right at George.
   "No I don't!" George yelled with an embarrassed blush on his cheeks. "Just forget about it! I'll spend time with you!" He stuttered and looked away from DreamXD in attempt to hide his blushing face.
   DreamXD chuckled deeply. He reached his hand around to the back of George's head and grabbed a fist full of his dark brown hair, DreamXD tugged George's hair down to force the little human to face DreamXD's white mask.

   "Are you really sure that you don't like it when I'm being dominant over you?" DreamXD asked with a dark but playful voice. George got pulled in closer to DreamXD, his hands instinctively grip onto DreamXD's cloak. He holds back a whine from how tight DreamXD's pulling his hair back.
   That, mixed with the blush on George's cheeks gave George a desperate looking expression. Making DreamXD grin under his mask even more.
   "Now, what was it that you said about a punishment system?" DreamXD leaned into George, pulling his hair just a little bit more.

   "Ah!~" George whimpered, "You're hurting..."
   "Oh, but you like it.~" DreamXD whispered in George's ear. George's blush grew darker, and he bit his lip to stop more whines and moans from escaping his mouth.

   "Hmm~" DreamXD summoned his extra hands to hold George in place. He traced his finger along George's hot cheek, letting his nail lightly graze the surface of his skin as he thought to himself.
   "What to do with such a bad boy?~" DreamXD cooed. "Ooh~ I know!~"

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