[DreamXD x George] Sugar Daddy

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(Inspiration from the video ⬆⬆⬆)

[Edited spelling]

   George had became spoiled because of DreamXD. Since George essentially signed his soul away to be DreamXD's friend forever, he asked a lot of things from XD's creative mode inventory.  
   He asked for gear, rare blocks, diamonds, nethorite, enchants, everything. And as much as DreamXD enjoyed George's happy smile when he was given these gifts, he couldn't help but feel a little bit used.

   DreamXD loved George. He would do anything for him. Kill anyone for him. But the thing he hated more than anything was the thought of being used. Especially since he was the god of George's world, why would he let himself be used by a human mortal?
   Ground rules had to be set for George. He was getting to be too spoiled.

   "DreamXD! You scared me! You need to stop sneaking up on me like that!" George nearly jumped out of his seat as he looked behind him from his desk to see his masked friend quietly hovering over the ground and peaking over his shoulder.
   "I'm sorry. I'll work on that." He apologised. DreamXD was getting help from George on how to be a little more 'normal' around humans. To make them more comfortable when he was around.

  "George, I'm board! Come play with me!" DreamXD whined to George as he hovered in the air like he was lay in a bed. He rolled around, trying to get George to pay attention to him.
   "Heh! Okay okay!" George quickly finished what he was doing and sat up from the desk.
   "Yay!" DreamXD celebrated,
   "What do you want to do anyway?" George asked him. DreamXD shrugged. He was just glad to spend time with George and have his undivided attention.
   "Hmm... Hey DreamXD, before we go out, could I have another Mending book? I ehh... I kinda... lost the last one you gave me...." George asked with a guilty look on his face.
   "Actually, I was hoping we could have a little Chat?" DreamXD's voice changed to the scary voice that always got George's attention. He guessed this wasn't going to be a very pleasant conversation.

   "Okay? What do you want to talk about?" George asked with a stutter as he straightened his back and clenched his hands in his lap as he faced DreamXD.
   DreamXD lay on his stomach in the air with his hands supporting his face up as his legs kicked like a girl on the phone with her crush.

   "I noticed that you've been asking for a lot of stuff from me lately." DreamXD started. George noded in response.
   "But I couldn't help but feel... like you're using me George...." XD told him as he tilted his head to the side a bit. "I want you to be honest Gogy~ Are you using me?" George leaned back in his chair as DreamXD slowly inched closer to his face.

   "What?? No, I-" George stuttered nervously. He hated when DreamXD used his 'scary voice'. It was especially worse when the scary voice was directed at him.
   DreamXD's hand gently wrapped around Georges neck, "Because if you where using me, then I can use you. Right?" DreamXD hissed at him as George could almost feel his fingers grow an inhuman length around his throat.

   "DreamXD... Y-you're scaring me..." George wimpered as his face warmed up unexpectedly.
   "I'm sorry George." DreamXD let go of his neck and backed away from him. He had a tendency to go too far without fully realizing how frightening he was being. 'Scary' was just how he was.
   "But I do mean that I don't want to give you stuff anymore." DreamXD stated, George let out a sigh of relief as DreamXD calmed down. "Unless I get something in return~♡" the floating God purred at him with a tap of his finger to his mask.

   "Pfft! Hehe!" George chuckled, "Well what do you want? You kinda have everything already."
   "Your body" DreamXD answered.
   "What?!?" George turned red and gasped.
   "George, you're so... You're so perfect for me. I want to be with you all the time. I can't get enough of you. But, I need you to need me. Be mine George."  DreamXD grabbed George's hands and held them tight as he inched closer to George.

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