[DreamXD x George x Dream]

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*me wondering what to write next*
Me: "fuck it. More DreamXDnotfound"
My brain: "Ooh! But make it a three some!~~~"
Me: "fine..."

Hope you're having a lovely day, because you deserve it ♡


   DreamXD was floating around George's small house, just looking at the little books and trinkets that George had lying on his shelves.
   George meanwhile, was cleaning up his home and preparing food for when his friend Dream was coming over to visit soon.

   DreamXD looked over at George fluffing up the pillows on the couch. XD wanted to hang out with George that day, so he couldn't understand why George seemed so busy.

   "George!~ I'm bored! Why are you ignoring me!?" XD whined, he floated over to George and rested his arms on George's shoulder.
   "I'm not trying to ignore you. I'm just trying to clean up. My friend is coming to visit." George explained to XD.

   XD straightened his back,
   "A friend? What Friend?!" XD sounded almost disgusted by the idea that he wasn't George's only friend.

   "I'm allowed to have friends DreamXD." George giggled, "It's okay. His name is Dream. The one that kinda looks like you." George explained to XD as he picked up dirty dishes from the coffee table.

   XD started to feel jealous at the sound of his name. George had talked about Dream before with XD, they sounded like they were really close, and the last thing XD wanted was for George to start hanging out with Dream more than him.

   DreamXD followed George to the sink and crossed his arms in a huff. XD hovered upside down and crossed his legs like he was sitting criss cross. He was trying to make it clear to George that he was grumpy, but George saw through XD's tricks to get more attention from him.
   George ignored XD and finished cleaning the dishes then walked back to the tabe in the dinning area.

   XD growled in annoyance, so he decided to use a method that never failed to get attention from George.
   XD followed close behind George and startled George as he turned around to face XD's white mask so close to his face.
   "XD! You need to stop sneaking up on me!" George yelled at XD. XD placed his arms on either side of George against the table.

(Too fucking sleepy! I can't seeee! My eyes are closed!!)
(And then I went to bed)

   DreamXD pinned George to the table, making him yelp.
   "X-XD!" He yelled at him as his face turned red with blush and XD's mask was so close to George's face.

   Dream knocked on the door making George try and wiggle out of XD's grasp. "Get off!"
   Dream heard George yelling so he let himself in. He opened the door and walked in, then he turned his head to see a large man in a mask on top of George on the table.

   George's hands were released so he covered his red face in his hands.
   Dream stared at this person that he'd never met before and wondered what he was doing on his SMP.

   The man was taller than Dream and wore a mask with "XD" on it, and he wore multiple layers of green and white robes.
   "Who the hell are you?" Dream growled, XD growled back in the scary voice that made him sound more like some kind of monster.

   "Dream, this is DreamXD, my friend. Umm.... Please don't fight?" George could tell where this was going to go knowing both of them.
   "George is mine! And you better remember that!" XD hissed Dream.
   "He's not 'yours'! He's a person not a thing! And he's my friend!" Dream shot back.

   "I thought I said no fighting!" George yelled at both of them, "can I just be both of yours?" George suggested.
   XD grinned under his mask and wrapped his arms around George. George suddenly realized his poor choice of words.

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