"What?" Johnny asked rhetorically, referring to the stern look Garth had on his face, before he walked around the wreckage of his car. "You need to control yourself and think before you act." Reed said wisely to him, also stepping around the car. "Yeah, but that's your problem, you always think, you never act. What if we got these powers for a reason? What if it's like some higher calling?" Johnny asked. "A higher calling? Like, getting girls and making money?" Reed asked back. "Is there any higher?" Johnny then asked, which made Garth roll his eyes. "Johnny, for the last time, we are not superhero's!" Garth then snapped. "And aren't superheroes supposed to keep their identities secret?" Garth then thought in his head. "Then what about the bridge?" He heard a boys voice in the crowd behind ask, which made him turn his around to face the crowd. "We were just in the wrong place at the wrong time!" Garth yelled. "You know what, Reed, Garth. This who we are. Accept it. Or better yet, enjoy it." Johnny spoke to them, before he started to walk away. "How can I enjoy looking like this?" Garth yelled back at him, pointing at his face with his right index finger, before he signed and then started to walk away from the area. But he didn't then that he was being followed by several people. It wasn't until a few minutes later that he realised he was being followed, when he heard a lot of footsteps behind him, turned his head leftwards to look at the people behind him, his eyes widening on sight, his mouth gaping open. Turning his body around to face them, he quickly and frantically looked left and right, and to his right, saw a black umbrella leaning against the wall besides a man chatting on his mobile phone. He grabbed and umbrella, ignored the guy saying "Hey!" , held the umbrella out in front of him, opened it, and pointed it at the people in front of him. "Back! Back, all of you! Leave me alone!" He shouted, moving the umbrella up and down several times as he spoke. The people all took a step back. With a huff, Garth then closed up the umbrella, shoved it into its owners chest, who then held it with both hands, and he continued walking. 

He kept walking down the street for several minutes, before a black limousine then moved in front of him, then turned leftwards and moved its left wheels onto the pavement, right in Garth's path. "Hey! What gives, dude, eh?" Garth asked in annoyance. The passenger window then opened, revealing Victor. "Oh, Mr Voom Doom, sir." Garth greeted in surprise, his face lightening up, becoming less grumpy. "Garth. Get in." Victor said to him, before he opened the door. So Garth then got in, sat in the seat opposite Victor and fastened his seatbelt. Then the limo then reversed a little bit, then turned rightwards and got back on the road. Inside the car, Garth could see the scar his boss (who are a black jacket on top of a grey shirt, with his hands gloved) now had doing down the right hand side of his face, which people had said, seemed to humanize him. "People are right. The scar does look good on you." Scar said, starting the conversation, but somehow he thought the scar looked metal grey, not blood red. "Well, we can't all heal, right, Garth?" Victor answered with a chuckle. "What are you doing here?" Garth then asked, wanting to cut to the chase. "I was worried about you. My employee." Victor replied. "My boss worried about me? That's great." Garth muttered sarcastically. "I hear you even grow back body parts. That's amazing." Victor said with a slight smile. "It'd be a lot more amazing if I didn't look like this. But, trust me, Ben's taking his more seriously." Garth replied, pointing at his face with his left index finger. "Funny you should say that, considering... it's cured your... condition." Victor then said, which made Garth's face still, and his eyes widened. "Oh, come on, don't look so shocked. You seriously think I didn't know about it?" Victor asked rhetorically. "I know it's not easy, especially for someone who has what you have, or had. Things aren't that different for Reed, Sue, or Johnny. At least they kept their looks, but to you and Ben..." Victor began saying, before Garth help up his left hand, making him stop. "If your trying to cheer me up, your doing a jolly good job." Garth interrupted. "Besides, I know that compared to Ben, I got it easy, but still..." Garth added. "Hey, I know what it's like to lose something you love, see it go away and never come back. Like your parents." Victor then spoke, which made Garth's face still again, but this time he had a solemn look on it. "Can we not talk about that? Besides, Reed is working on a cure. I'll be back to normal in no time." Garth said confidently, though in truth, he had no idea how far Reed was to getting the machine to cure them ready. "I hope so, for your sake. And if it doesn't, then... you probably got nothing left to live for, except being furry for the rest of your life. But something tells me you already got nothing." Victor then said, which was the last straw for Garth. He then turned his head leftwards, facing the driver's window. "Stop the car." He spoke to the driver,  and a few seconds later, the limo pulled over to the curb and stopped. Garth then got out of the car, which drove away after he closed the door. Garth thenstarted walking down the street, looking down at the pavement, thinking about what he'd just heard. Strangely, deep down, he felt that Victor was right. So he then made a decision.

And that's the eighth chapter. Hope you enjoyed it. Sorry if it was too short, but I couldn't be bothered to write anymore. Anyway, Garth's superhero name is "Furball". Hope you like it. I don't know when I'll do the next chapter, so please be patient.

COP26 has now begun in Glasgow, Scotland, here in the U.K. I'll be watching the news a lot these next two weeks, hoping that's it's a success, or at least doesn't end in failure. The politicians have to wake up and get serious about climate change, and dealing it with it, so that our children and our grandchildren can have a less ruined world!!!!!

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