*Hello, Ma'am... nice meeting you* Steve greeted Khushi.

*Hi...* Khushi said.

*Steve, she will call you anytime. Cooperate with her* Arnav ordered Steve.

*Of course, ASR. After all, she is Mrs. Boss* he smiled.

Khushi was embarrassed like hell.

*You can ask me anything, Ma'am. I'm always in your service. By the way, congratulations on getting the most handsome and lovable man as your life partner...* Steve wished.

Arnav was reading Khushi's expression who smiled at Steve awkwardly.

*But, please try to make him speak more ma'am. He talks very little* Steve put an obligation in front of her. That made her more embarrassed. Does Arnav talk less? Like seriously? Everyone tells so but she never saw him talking less.

*Ok, Steve, will call later* Arnav said.

*Ok, ASR... Have a nice day, Ma'am* Steve said.

Khushi nodded yes. Arnav disconnected the call.

*Don't hesitate to ask him anything if you feel embarrassed to talk to me. In fact, there is nothing to be embarrassed...* he smiled.

Khushi opened a file and saw it. The file had the complete program setup of AR

*This is how our company program works*

She nodded ok.

*You can get more information from our company's official site*

She again nodded ok.

*Are you alright, Khushi? *

Khushi looked at him and nodded yes.

*Why do I feel you are not comfortable? *

*No... I just*

*I felt you so comfortable with me before OUR wedding talks started. You even inquired me about my return the day when your father passed away. But, I feel the difference in you now*

*It's not a matter of my comfort. I really don't know how to react to this...*

*THIS...? *

*Wedding... within a day our marriage got fixed... you came in the morning and made me say yes to the marriage. Uncle and aunty came in the evening and talk about the wedding dates. I'm thunderstruck*

He chuckled softly.

*Khushi, you have faced a more shocking situation already. You have lost your father. I think this is not a worse situation than that* he said teasingly.

She nodded yes.

*Khushi, Neerav is your PAST... let it PASS. He is not in your life... he won't be... There is no use in thinking about him anymore. Make yourself comfortable. Right? *

She nodded ok.

*Anything else...? * Arnav asked.

*You said I can take time...* she said hesitatingly.

*For? * Arnav frowned.

*Uncle and aunty said you want the marriage to happen soon*

*So? * he asked with a lopsided smile.

*Didn't I ask you time? *

*Did you ask time to get MARRIED? * he asked, without smiling.

*No... I asked time to...* she stopped and looked down.

*Get fix into the relationship. I have not forgotten that*

*Then why are you hurrying? *

*That's why I'm hurrying* came from Arnav quickly.

*I didn't get you *

*You asked for time... so, you will take time after the marriage... that's why*

Khushi looked at him sulking.

*I'm leaving* Arnav stood from the bed.

*You have not answered me*

*I did*


*I don't know how long you will take to get into the relationship. So, I don't want to waste time before marriage and thought to give you time after marriage... simple logic*

Khushi saw him and then looked somewhere.

*Bye...* he left the place smilingly.

Khushi sat on the bed wish a rushing heartbeat.

*What does he mean, he doesn't want to WASTE time before marriage? * Khushi asked herself.


Completing the conference, Arvind came out of the meeting hall with Aman.

*Sir, Doesn't ASR have any idea to join AR? * Aman asked.

*What do you mean to join? He is always IN.* Arvind said.

*I mean, in India branch...*

*I think NO... because he has been decided to work for the London branch with his going to be wife* Arvind smiled.

*Going to be wife? * Aman asked shockingly.

*Yes, within a month, he is getting married to Khushi*

*Really? That's so great* Aman said. He knew Neerav denied marrying Khushi and he was upset with Neerav for the decision he took.

That's when they heard,

*Did Khushi agree to marry Arnav? * Arvind saw, Neerav stepping towards him.

*Yes... Chotte made her say YES*

*But why, Dad? What's necessary to force her if she is not interested to marry him? *

*Likewise, how we forced her when she was not ready to marry YOU...* he said furiously.

Neerav gulped down. Before he asked anything,

*When is the wedding, Sir? * Aman diverted him.

*The wedding date will be fixed today or tomorrow*

*There is an event in the London branch in two weeks, sir. I think ASR will get married after completing the event*

*You are right. I think he will take Khushi to London with him*

*That's a good idea...*

*Yes, she needs a change... poor girl, she is facing back-to-back heartbreaks in her life* Arvind said not looking at Neerav but Aman saw him bowing down.

*I will come to RM to meet ASR, Sir*

*Yeah, sure... you guys didn't get time to chitchat*

Aman nodded yes and they went back to their respective cabin without minding about Neerav.

To be continued...

The next chapter is available on INKITT

Potential of Khushi

Khushi was thinking about Arnav... his approach... his words... his efforts... is there any hidden meaning of his actions and words? She saw the laptop and files on the bed. Shrugging off the thoughts, she started going through them. She could understand nearly everything. Yet she had many doubts about that. She looked at the clock. It was 11:30 pm.

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