"So that signifies... Somewhere in the future... I would love Xiao..?" His face heats up. "Huh? Venti what are you talking about. You're straight! Do you remember Amber? Don't you wanna get married to her? There's no such thing as the future! I am the one who writes my future!" He scolded his self. Ah, he's a straight white man anyways, what do we expect.

He couldn't believe it. He was assuming that Albedo's words were right, but Albedo seems like a decent guy? He wouldn't lie, right? Though Venti wishes he was lying because he cannot look at Xiao the same anymore.

He stays there for a minute. Fighting the urge of accepting that he may actually be liking that stupid prince.


It was already seven pm when Xiao woke up. Missing the warmth of that one certain boy beside him just this morning. He quickly went up and looked for him.

He cannot see him anywhere. His room, the library, dining area, fireplace – and just everywhere. He has one more place to go to. The garden. And so he runs in there and finally spots the boy. "Venti"

He catches how the boy jump from his seat when he talked. Venti didn't look at him, instead, he hid his face more. "Huh?" When he gets closer, Venti stood up and walked away. "What is wrong with him.." The maid's giggles, and when they giggle, you know something is up.

"Ya. You know what's going on?" He asked the maid with no effort at all. "I'm sorry prince Alatus but princess Venti told us not to tell you," Ganyu said – one of the most trusted maids. "Ganyu"

"Gah! I'm really sorry prince Alatus!" And by that, he knew that he really couldn't get the answer. He sighed before following Venti.

"Hey!" They kept running, but the princess just won't look back. It's either he did another mistake, or Xiao was the one who did something wrong. But what could Xiao do? He literally just woke up. "Venti let's go eat dinner?!" And this time, Venti finally stopped – only to look back and ignore Xiao again, he seems like he would eat dinner. Xiao followed him in the castle.

Aether was eating at the large table alone and it would be nice if they would join him. "Hey, Aether" Venti greeted, and oh God, that made Xiao's blood boil a bit. Ignored me but greeted Aether? Xiao dismissed it and sat on a chair, waiting for Venti to sit beside him – but no. He sat next to Aether.

He almost smashed the glass table with his fist but thankfully, he gets to control himself from anger. He hates being ignored. It makes him look like an idiot. Xiao glared at Venti, while Venti avoids his glare. Meanwhile, with Aether, he was observing the two boys – stopping his self from smiling as if he knows what's up

Just like a couple in a hot argument.

Aether sighed, "stop with the silent treatment. Go on, talk" he puts his spoon down and laid his chin on his palm. "So, uh-"

"Venti. Why are you ignoring me" Xiao cuts him off immediately, demanding answers as soon as possible "How are you, prince Aether?"

Those golden eyes sparkled, as he snickered. "Oh, I'm good princess Venti" he looked straight into those Aqua blue eyes. His stare. How hot. So hot that it made Xiao burn in anger. Why is he talking like that to Venti?

"I'm glad to know that!"

"Oi, Venti. The fuck are you up to? Ignoring me now?"

"Shh, language my dear cousin" Aether scolded him as he gave him a teasing look. Who gave him the right to annoy the shit out of Xiao this much.

Aether and Venti kept talking to each other while Xiao is in a not so peaceful silence. When they're done. They all stood up, Aether and Venti left together to talk and now Xiao is left here to do nothing.

He wants to punch this table until it shatters into millions of chunks. He wants to break that window using his feet. He wants to punch these guards. Being unable to reach out to Venti makes him so, so frantic that he just wants to wreck everything.

He inhales, his mouth forming a pout as he exhaled. He placed his arms at the back of his head as he inhales and exhales all over again, trying to calm himself from his anger issues.

He decides to follow them. He doesn't care if eavesdropping is bad. He just wants to know why Venti is being like this. He hid his self in a bush.

"So you see... I just realized this earlier that I- I like someone" Venti said, rubbing his thumb finger onto Aether's palm. Aether gasps. He knows.

"What the fuck... Who does he like... This can't be" Xiao whispers, getting uncontrollably angry. He can't like someone else, he's supposed to be married to him. He can't be with someone else, Venti is his.

Is this why Venti is staying away from him? Because he feels anxious with Xiao now? Because he likes someone else.

The teal-haired prince groaned before punching whatever is near him. Why does it make him so mad?

Aether asked Venti who is it that he likes but before Venti can give his answer, Xiao already closed his eyes and covered his ears, not ready to hear who the fuck that person is.

"Eh!? Woah, I'm sure he likes you too!"

And it's a he too?! What does he have that I don't! Surely I'm the most attractive person in the whole universe...

"Maybe he does... But- I don't think I am enough for him. He's so... perfect. While, I'm just Venti, hehe... A poor villager"

Xiao left even before Venti said those words, afraid of more words that can make him feel angry and awful. He went inside his room and locked it.

He remove his shoes and threw his self in his bed – burying his own face in the pillow and began to sulk. "How can he not like me..." He said in a muffled tone. He flips over and looked at the ceiling.


A big fat juicy character development

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