Chapter One: The Ball

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Co-Creator: River_Pool

Yui Komori had always heard of marriage being a beautiful thing that united two people together that loved each other dearly, and she had always hoped hers would mean the same thing. However, she had to think of her fellow people before her own wishes and dreams.

Because of a burgeoning conflict between the human world and the supernatural world, Yui was to marry one of the Vampire King's sons as a way to soothe the tensions between the two rivals.

"What's bothering you?" Seiji questioned, eyes glancing over at his daughter. Yui stiffened up for a slight second before shaking her head, trying to tell him that she was completely fine. "I know you, Yui. You're avoiding eye contact, and your mouth is clenched. You're lying about this one thing."

"Honestly, it doesn't really matter. I don't want you to worry about me-" the nineteen-year-old started, shaking her head and combing out her shoulder length hair.

"Nonsense. Go ahead and tell me so that way we can work through it," her father persisted, turning his kind eyes on his daughter, whose eyes remained trained on a white curtain that hung in front of the window. "Well?"

"What if none of them like me?" the girl finally voiced her worries as Seiji's brows creased.

"Well, there's certainly things that one can find loveable about you. Don't try to worry about it."

"But what if I don't like any of them? I've heard the maids gossiping about them. I don't hear anything positive about any of them. What if-"

"Gossip does not truly let someone know about a person. You should meet them and then make your decision after a few days. If you do not like any of them, I can find a way to set something else up-"

"No, you really don't have to!" Yui interrupted, shaking her head abruptly, as her father's mouth pulled down.

"I really do not wish for you to be miserable in the coming years," he simply stated as Yui shook her head once again. "It's clear that there is another option. Make sure to consider that before you make your choice."

"I will, Father..." Yui murmured before her red eyes glanced up at the gleaming clock set upon the wall. "It seems that it is about time for the ball to begin. Do you think the vampires will arrive on time?"

"I really have no idea. Vampires are very strange creatures," Seiji answered, shaking his head and sighing. His blue eyes fell down to the cross pendant that hung around her neck. "Yui, vampires are very wily things as well. Try not to become too intoxicated by their seductive ways. Many have made that mistake, and it never ended up well for them. I understand if you are caught up at certain points, but make sure to hold onto your mind. Do not believe everything that spills from their lips."

"I will, Father. You have taught me well~" Yui responded, letting a smile tilt her lips up. She moved to place a mask over her face and playfully asked, "How do I look?"

Her father gave her his approval before reminding her to stay near her bodyguard at all times. Because of the close proximity of the vampires, guards were set up at nearly every corner of the palace. Seiji had made it his top priority that no innocent human would be bitten.

Yui nodded her head at her bodyguard, a man named Keito, as she strolled down the hallways and peeked through a door overlooking the ballroom to find a good number of people weaving through the crowds.

Her heart felt like it was about to burst out of her chest, causing her to move to sit down on an ornate couch. The girl tried her best to calm herself down before she had to make her appearance. Yui sat up when she heard the sound of a scoff, her eyes widening and searching for the person. Keito stiffened and searched for the culprit as well.

A young man with white hair that fell in front of the right side of his face came into view and looked over Yui distastefully.

"You're shaking like a leaf. Have you ever heard of taking deep breaths?" were his first words towards the girl. "Only a few vampires slinking around here. Nothing to worry about."

"A-are you one?" Yui got out as she took in a few deep breaths, trying even harder to keep a hand on her nerves.

"And what if I am?" the boy countered as his brows creased and he eventually sighed in defeat. "Do you need anything?"

"Um, water..." Yui murmured, trying to focus on the intricate patterns on the wall in front of her.

"Don't move," he muttered before stomping away. A few quiet minutes passed before Yui had a glass of iced water shoved into her face. "Here you go."

"Where did you get it?" Yui asked, knowing very well that all of the kitchen staff were working in the ballroom and would have certainly not offered water, instead wines and other different beverages.

"Keep your nose out of my damn business," he responded before waving the glass in front of her. "Hey, you gonna take it?"

"Oh, I'm sorry!" Yui quickly reached out and took the glass in her shaking hands, bringing it up to her lips. Ice cold fingers came around her hand to steady her grip on the glass as she took a hearty sip of the liquid. The girl smiled politely at the man, whose cheeks grew pink in color. "Thank you~"

"Yeah, yeah..." he muttered before moving away from her, heading down the hallway.

"Wait, please don't go!" Yui called out in vain, slumping over when he no longer returned. Her eyes returned to the glass in her hand before she took another sip. "Keito, he couldn't have been a vampire. I've always heard of them as mean people, but he was... kind in a way."

"Whatever you say, princess..." the bodyguard responded before training his eyes on the floor. "Your father has requested that you do not make a special appearance or be announced. The Vampire King had made it to where everyone's identity is completely anonymous."

"Quite strange, in my opinion..." Yui quietly mused to herself before looking up at Keito. "I expect that there is more to be said."

"Yes, you have to choose your Favorite at the end. This person will be considered the winner of this challenge to win your heart."

"Ah, so now this is a game...?" Yui shook her head before sighing heavily and supporting her head in her hand. "I really have no choice, do I? What if I choose the wrong one? For that matter, how many sons does he even have?!"

"He fathered seven sons and adopted four. He had stated that if you choose wrong, then the person will be rewarded with riches for being able to warm your 'little princess' heart. His sons will have to deal with a certain punishment. If you do pick correctly, this son will be rewarded in some manner and be able to share a room with you."

"Oh my, that seems a bit...much..." Yui murmured before adding on, "Of course, that could be normal in vampiric values. I'll have to ask my father and see if he knows anything of that nature." The blond stood up from her seat and carefully set the glass on a tray sitting nearby, moving to smooth down her dress. "Alright, I'm guessing that I should just slip into the party. Father told you to stay close, Keito-san."

"Yes Princess, I am aware."

With that, Yui slipped into the ballroom and rested her eyes on the glittering chandelier. Despite her apprehension, she proceeded to dive into the crowds to mingle, like her father had requested of her. The night had yet to begin... 

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