Woman to Woman

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Chapter 6

Maria left for the day Ava stayed behind to work late because Adam had all five kid's this weekend.

She loved kid's and wished she could have them with Chaise, God never blessed them because she was baron.

It was ten and she was about to pack it up. She'd gotten a lot done without interuption.

Ava completly caught up on her edits proof reading and formatting.

She signed off on document's regarding the office Maria left her, that included what Roxy sent via courier. 

She was reading and singing for fourty minutes straight sure to make copies of everything from Roxy before handing anything back.

Ava tossed her reading glasses down stretching and yawning, when she opened her eyes a young woman stood before her. 

I'm sorry the cleaning crew left already.

Bitch do I look like I'm the cleaning crew? Spinning around in her coutoure wear I would use my usual line I reserve for the chicken birdies but seeing you are my unoffical mentor and predecessor that's no way to respect another Queen is it?

The woman helped herself to a seat. Ava slipped her hand under her desk where she kept a snub nose fourty five in case of a robbery or possible rape.

She was alway's on her game something she'd learned from Chaise. This is why this was odd to her, how did Chaise of all people let someone get the fucking jump on him?

He stayed strapped up, when he said his wife was behind it thing's began to make sense.

Ahhh! This chair is so cozy..comfy I love it. Who are you and what the fuck do you want?

You reported Chaise missing today, now Ava why in the world would you do that? Had to for the business.

Oh so it was monetarily motivated? Nothing more?

Your name is? Oh where are my manners? She ungloved her hand my name is Belle Dawson I'm your replacement.

Ava smiled sinersterly trying to control herself from pulling the trigger. I know what you're thinking I ruined your life...thirty year's of marriage... yada yada yada and all that willy bo bo shit.

But Belleeee I was happy! I was I swear to you! We had nooooo problems no issues no worries noooo...not one!
I just can't figure it Belle.

I'm going to say this because I see you're an educated beautiful black Queen. Allow me a moment to straighten your crown, it's slipping Ava and been slipping twenty of the thirty year's you spent with Chaise.

You were never happy you were happy with the picturesque version of your life that Chaise allowed you a tiny tiny glimpse of. He was the monster hiding behind that nightmare hideous credenza in your dining room.

Yes Ava I've been to the beach house and in your bed many day's.

In fact you almost caught me once but that's a discussion for another time.

Why am I telling you all this? Am I saying these thing's to upset Ava and get her panties in a bunch? No ma'am!

Chaise is a low down lying  cheating no good black bastard that after thirty year's of marriage walked out on the best woman he ever fucking had!

Ava! I say that with the greatest sincerity in me yes! You are a better woman then I Ava!

This is why you have to back the fuck down let the card's fall where they may. Simply mind the business that pay's you.

You done? Pretty much. Belle gloved her hand straightening her jacket.

Oh..Ava sweetie? Don't bother going to the police if you do I'll slice his throat and leave him on your door step sweetie... toodles.

I almost forgot Belle snapping her finger's I got you a little something from Zach's which you know isn't one of those cheapie places she whispered.

That's for you Ava clapping merrily, go on silly open it I'm excited!

Ava opened the light blue velvet square box she gave Belle a look, beautiful aren't they?

I'm not the pearl type of gal but I saw a photo of you once and you wore a long stunning pearl necklace.

Then I had an epiphany listen to this I goggled let me share.

The pearl, with meaning's of purity, honesty and wisdom, is the traditional 30th wedding anniversary gift.

He walked out on your thirtieth
anniversary only Pearl's would due. One for every year you suffered with that monster a strand of thirty..you're welcome.

Belle walked off twirling her finger's walking to the elevator.

Ava waited to hear the elevator doors closing  before hopping up locking the double glass doors to her office.

Fuck, Ava grabbed her chest to catch her breath her anger decreasing the nerve of that bitch.

She looked out the window onto the street and saw she was driving Chaise's Porsche 1960 vintage two seater.

Ava knew it wasn't a hoax nobody was allowed to touch that car.

Why would she go out of her way? Money couldn't be her motive the business reverts back to me, and Chaise said he left me as his sole beneficiary why would he do this?

Her cell phone ringing snapped her biter trance..Unknown caller it read hello Ava? What? Today I heard bird's. So what Chaise.

Sea gulls Ava I must be near a beach. Have you told the police I've been calling you? No. Why? What if they tell Belle and she kill's you?

How...how did you know her name? Ava? What Chaise?

Your bich just left my office. Chaise sat up on the cold floor where? How does she know where I work Chaise?

It's on the internet you're a vanity press.

I'm not a fucking vanity press that was your fucking problem negro only believing in your own damn dream's while snuffing everyone else's around you.

You gotta tell the cop's she came. I can't she said she's going to slice your throat and leave your dead body on my doorstep what a beautiful woman you left me for to deal with you sure know how to pick them don't you?

Ava put her hand's over her eyes biting her bottom lip something she did when her stress was high. Stop biting your bottom lip.

This ain't my problem it's just not Chaise you made your decision the day you walked out that door.

You don't get to come back! Not this way. You fucked her in our bed, in our house?! Now you need my help and expect me to drop my life and help you?

Belle is right I need to stay out of it and mind the fucking business that pays me. DAMMIT! Banging her desk frustrated.

Ava? You are minding the business that pay's you,


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