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jungkook groaned as his alarm started going off. a Monday, his least favorite day. he sat up, running his fingers through his hair, soon actually getting dressed. "fuck... i forgot to do my homework..." he thought, sighing as he remembered. he decided that there was no point in doing it as he ate his freshly made toast. he made his lunch, packing a sandwich, random chips, an apple and caprison.


jungkook was walking to his second period, and to be honest, he really liked the class. it is peaceful and somewhere he can be by himself. just as he thought his day was going to be good, three seniors stopped him. taehyung, namjoon, and hoseok. he was super afraid of hoseok, he didn't know why, but he was intimidating. he groaned, and rolled his eyes. "can I help you?" he asked, clearly irritated already. "baby, i got another job for you." taehyung smirked, jungkook wanted to slap that smirk of his off of his face.

"what fucking job now, taehyung?" jungkook responded, clicking his tongue out of annoyance. "set me and lia up, she's fucking annoying and maybe this fake date will get her off of my ass." taehyung asked, annoyed of how lia is so clingy to him. "sure whatever... but this is the last job I'm doing for you." jungkook muttered, walking away to his class. he walked in, seeing lia, and sighed. second period was study hall, he walked to her as she greeted him with a bright smile. he smiled back, "lia, I want to set you and taehyung up." lia was shocked, and smiled brightly once again. "of course!! thank you so much jungkook." jungkook nodded, feeling bad.

he walked to an empty space, and asked the teacher to go to his locker for his binder. the teacher said yes, and he walked to his locker. he sighed, and rolled his eyes, "can you guys like not makeout right on my locker? I don't want your disgusting germs spreading onto my locker." taehyung looked at him, smirking at his bratty voice. the girl looked at him and responded, "you're just mad I'm making out with the Kim Taehyung, stop being a jealous bitch and let us have our time." jungkook crosses him arms, and stated, "can you shut the fuck up? you're a whore, and sleep around with other guys and if you think I'm jealous of your flat ass, rethink again because your calculations aren't correct."

she pouted, and stormed away out of madness. "damn, got some sass. you could really use that in bed." taehyung smirked, and leaned onto the locker that was beside jungkook's. "for fucksakes taehyung, im not going to sleep with you, I don't want std's and the same dick every girl got in this school." he said as he got his binder, tired of taehyung's bullshit. "fine, but if you need sex, I'm here." taehyung chuckled, and slapped jungkook's butt. jungkook yelped and glared at taehyung.


I'm kinda proud of this chapter (?)

anyways comment for more book suggestions.

if you find another book that is similar like this, please do not accuse me of plagiarism. I thought of this, and decided to make a book. next update will be tomorrow babes. warnings will be included at the end of the next chapter, I hope.

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