The man looked around for a moment, before his eyes laid on Beta's backpack. He almost seemed relieved to find it, until his expression did a complete turn once he noticed Fred. The man froze, backing away just slightly.

Great, maybe Fred could scare him away without having to fight? He managed to hiss, indicating that he is very much alive and not some weird decoration. The man gasped in shock as he backed away further, his back hitting the wall.

"What the fuck-" he gasped in panic as Fred hissed again. The man flinched as his leg made contact with something. Looking down, he found the dirty but still useful pitchfork Beta left after burying Senpai's corpse.

Fred hissed again to finally get rid of him, but to his dismay, the man took the pitchfork into his hands slowly. The demon realized what would occur shortly after, he would try to attack him with the tool...

"Get away, mortal-" Fred said. He knew very well that humans assumed no other being were able to speak their languages, so muttering those words clearly struck a new wave of panic into the man.

This is why before Beta he would never let a servant leave him. This is why he would never use his powers so irresponsibly to help someone.

The man then creeped up to him holding the pitchfork up with shaky hands. This is how his existence was going to end by the hands of one of the lowest possible human beings ever. In a way living so long was making him accept this. At least his human, no friend, Beta was away from this crazed man.

He shut all his eyes waiting for the blow.

The sound of slamming and grunting as two bodies hit the floor caused his eyes to shoot open. It was Beta.

"G-Get out of here!"

"Kid, what are you doing? I'm trying to destroy that thing! T-That monster!"

"Get the fuck off him, you asshole-" Beta grunted out, his eyes glued on the pitchfork in the man's hands. He desperately tried to tear it out of his grasp, but to no avail -the man managed to push him off. The man was much bigger and taller than him.

"Fucking crack addict-" he grunted out, standing up to his feet.

"Is this thing mind controlling you or some shit!" The man turned the tool to point it at him. "I had dreams about this! I am not letting humanity fall."

The man then pulled to jab at him but thankfully Beta was able to dodge. He grabbed the handle wrestling with the man again.

"Just get out of here and leave us alone!"

"NO!" The man spat at him even hitting him in the face with a yellowish spit. Beta recoiled but didn't pull away. They continued to tumble until Beta was able to throw him off balance. The man stumbled on the ground. In a fit of anger and adrenaline Beta took the fork himself, raised it and brought hard on the man's neck. Despite it being rusty and old it was sharp and was about to go through the man's neck. Blood squirted out as the man gurgled.

His hands desperately swung around in panic as his air pipe was cut, while Beta, seemingly unaffected by this, dragged the pitchfork out of his neck and slammed it into his collarbone - trailing wounds all across his chest.

He was being swallowed by a rage he couldn't explain, just when he thought he was done he remembered what could have happened to Fred - which made him drag more holes into the man.

He was finally torn out of his trance as he heard Fred say his name, he looked down upon the man that once was and felt no regret whatsoever. His hands were covered in blood, his face had some splatterns too - but Beta didn't mind.

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