1. High Achievers

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Genevieve Grindelwald had just finished eating breakfast when she saw the owls arrive at the window.
She'd been waiting for them to turn up for weeks, but seeing them threw her into a state of panic.
"Vee!" She called out.
Tom Riddle exited the bedroom and made his way over to her.
Vee was her nickname for Tom, as it was a shortened version of his preferred name, Voldemort.
"What's wrong?" Asked Tom.
Genevieve pointed to the owls, "I think they're carrying our NEWT results".
Tom approached the window, and opened it, allowing the owls to fly in.
He then removed the letters the owls were carrying, so that they could fly back out the window.

Tom handed Genevieve her letter, before beginning to tear open the envelope that was addressed to him.
"I can't do it" admitted Genevieve nervously.
"Don't tell me you're scared of opening a letter?" Questioned Tom.
"What if I failed everything?" Asked Genevieve.
"You've never failed a test in your life. Besides, you were scared when you opened your OWL results, and they were perfect. So you have nothing to be afraid of"
"I didn't back then, but unlike when I took my OWLs, I was a mess when I took my NEWTs, for I had just discovered that Gellert was my father and not my uncle".

"You were not a mess, you were just a little preoccupied and distracted. But I promise that you won't have failed everything" reassured Tom.
"You can't promise me that" replied Genevieve.
"Look, I don't care if you didn't get perfect grades, for it doesn't matter to me. I will love you no matter what. And since we've already got jobs, our employers won't care if you didn't do well. You were so amazing at the interview, that they hired you on the spot, even though you didn't have your results back yet" reminded Tom.
Genevieve smiled at Tom's encouraging words and tore open the envelope.
Her and Tom then looked down at their results at the same time, to find out how well they did.

"All Outstandings" boasted Tom.
"Well done" praised Genevieve.
"What about you?" Quizzed Tom.
"Same as you" answered Genevieve.
"See, I told you that you had nothing to worry about. I had faith in you"
"Thanks. I guess I just need to have a bit more faith in myself"
"Yes, you need to be more like me, for I am always confident in my own abilities"
"Well, you are amazing"
"I know. But you are as well, and it's time you saw that. In fact, I think we should have a little party today to celebrate getting perfect grades".

"We have work today" reminded Genevieve.
After finishing Hogwarts they had bought a flat together with Gellert's money, and immediately got jobs in Knockturn Alley.
Tom now worked in Borgin and Burkes, and Genevieve worked in The Coffin House.
Both of their jobs specialised in the dark arts, which was an area of magic that interested them both.
"I was thinking of having the party in the evening, once we had both finished work" explained Tom.
"Oh, that makes sense. Were you thinking of inviting other people to this gathering?" Asked Genevieve.
"Who? Your old roommates?"
"No, I was thinking more about your death eaters".

"Yes, I was planning to invite them" admitted Tom.
"Oh, O.K" sighed Genevieve.
"Would you prefer it, if it was just me and you?" Questioned Tom.
"I would. For I don't like to share you with them. You're my fiancè, which means you belong to me" replied Genevieve, as she looked down at her engagement ring, which Tom had given her on the last day of school.
Tom stepped forward and placed his hands on Genevieve's arms.
"We belong to each other, it's true. But I must continue spending time with my followers now that we've finished Hogwarts, if I want them to continue being loyal to me. I am going to need servants in the future, so I cannot afford to lose those who want to follow me willingly" informed Tom.

"Yeah, I know" mumbled Genevieve.
"Then I'm sure you also know, that I don't see you the same way I see them. You and I are on a different level to everyone else. Only I can live forever, with you at my side. Everyone else is disposable. But one day you and I will rule this world. It is our right and our destiny" admitted Tom.
"It's hard to feel important, when I'm working in a shop. At Hogwarts, you and I were the king and queen of the school. Everyone respected us, even the teachers. But now that we've left, I feel just like everyone else" replied Genevieve.
"We have never been like everyone else. Our power makes us different from our peers. And we don't have to work as meer shop assistants for long, I promise".

"I hope not, because I'm already getting bored of learning about Necromancy" admitted Genevieve.
"The things you're learning now, will help me on my quest to create my own undead army of inferi in the future" reminded Tom.
"Yes, I know. And I do want to be of use to you. I just hate that we have to practically be servants to our employers" replied Genevieve.
"Trust me, I hate this just as much as you. The great Lord Voldemort should not have to work as a shop assistant. But I do everything for a reason, and very soon I'm sure that we will be rewarded for taking such mundane positions"
"I hope you're right".

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