Within minutes other vampires started walking in and I was amazed at how many there were. I can't even talk to any of them, I can't do anything. I can only hang here and just... take it...

It's now been 6 days since Jace has been out here, only the second day for us.

"Can we stop for a few minutes?" Alex questioned, "I'm hungry and I'm tired. Please. For a few minutes."

"Fine," I sighed and formed a barrier around us to protect us from the elements. I tossed the bag of food in front of me and sat down, "for a few minutes but we have to get going. It's already almost sunset and I feel like we've barely gotten anywhere today."

"Yeah because we can barely see," Jace sighed, "the snow and the rain, it's making it hard to navigate. Not to mention the temperatures. Patches of my fur are literally freezing sometimes as we go."

"I get it," I nodded my head, "mine does the same thing. I get it. But we'll be fine, we can survive this because we've got everything we need. We just need to find her and get home."

"I hope we haven't missed her," Jace sighed, "like passed her... I hope we-"

"We will find her," Esme nodded, "we will." He nodded his head and the boys ate before we set off again. Before long the sun started to set and I watched the full moon start to make its way into the sky. We followed her trail to a dead end. It's like instead of walking she turned to going in the trees.

"Guys something isn't right," Jace shook his head as he spoke quietly, " I think someone's here with-" suddenly I felt a force that was able to put me on the ground. Before I could do anything I was tied in ropes soaked with wolfsbane. As I regained awareness I saw that the others were in the same predicament. I sat for a few seconds as I watched all the vampires crowd around us, trying to form a plan. Im faster than all them, stronger... I can use my magic and I can just... I can kill them. Right now. Okay, Esme, you can do this. You can. They might have Kira, you have to get free of this.

Just like that I broke the ropes around me, "stagno!" I watched as all of them stopped moving around me. Some were already running towards me, others were still trying to figure out what happened. I grabbed a large limb, breaking it into multiple larger pieces and piercing each vampire through the heart. "Okay," I breathed out and broke my spell, untying them and looking around.

"That's a lot of vampires," Alex shook nervously, "like that's a lot in one area."

"It is," I nodded my head, "which means there's others. So everyone be on the look out. Let's go." We all started making our way back through the woods. Before long the moon was high in the sky, Jace and Justin had already shifted. Alex clearly wasn't going to and I didn't feel like it yet, I feel like I might need my powers as a witch before I'll need them as a wolf. Good thing though, if Jace or Justin get bitten the vampires will die and they're wounds will heal. Wolf blood is toxic to vampires.

The four of us stopped when we heard blood curtailing screams tear their way through the trees. Jace took off running and we didn't have any other choice but to follow him. We came upon a building that other vampires surrounded. We all walked out in front of them and when they came for us, we put them down. When we ran into the building we were shocked to see the amount of vampires. Tons of them, too many for me to count. Luckily it's like they didn't notice we were in here. The room reeked of just heat, sweat and blood.

"What do we do?" Justin questioned.

"We blend in," I linked with his mind and then Jaces, "hoods up. Act like the crowd. Cheer, do whatever you need to." They nodded their heads and walked into the crowd. I turned to Alex.

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