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I'm 11 years old now. I'm currently working with the breakfast. I heard footsteps coming.

'Ray and Norman.' I thought. And my guessing was true. It was them.

"Good morning, Sister!" Norman cheerfully greeted me.

"Morning, Sister." Ray greeted me. Both of them were smiling.

"Good morning, dear Norman and dear Ray. Both of you seemed gloomy today." I playfully said as I chuckled. They blushed.

"Is that so? I think I'm not." Norman said.

"Yes you are. Also you too, Ray." I said.

"The both of you change now. Going to the stage of puberty is a little hard cause changes happens. Little did we know that the both of you already had already taking a liking to a girl without telling us.~" I playfully said. They once again blush.

"If that happens, just tell the both of us. We can help." Isabella suddenly said out of no where.

"Mom! Were you listening through the whole time?" Norman asked her.

"Yes, I was. There's nothing to be embarrassed of. It's normal. Puberty is a grate stage in life. Did you know? Your Sister Y/N already reached puberty and was now completely a maiden. But did she got embarrassed by that? No, because it's normal. Right, Sister?" Isabella said.

"Yes mother. So please don't be embarrassed. Tell everything to us. Okay?" I said. They nodded.

"I'm going to do something. Can the tree of you prepare the breakfast?" Isabella asked.

"Yes Mom." they answered. I nodded. She leaves.

"So? What do you want to eat for breakfast?" I asked them.

"Anything Sister. You, what do you want to eat for breakfast? You always cook what we want, why don't you cook what you want eat? Treat yourself." Norman said.

"It's okay. And I want all of you to eat whatever you want to. I want you to enjoy the life while you are still a child." I said.

"But you're still a child like us yet you sacrifice for us." Norman said being guilty.

"It's because I love all of you. I'll do everything just to make you all happy." I said as I caressed both of their cheek. Their faces turned red. I laughed. I hear footsteps again.

'Don and Nat.' I thought. Don and Nat entered the kitchen.

"Good morning, Sister!" they greeted me.

"Good morning, Don, Nat." I greeted them back.

"So what's for breakfast for today?" Nat asked.

"We actually can't decide. Did our siblings requested something?" I asked.

"Yes they did. They said they want pancakes cause we barely had them. Conny also said that before she leaves today, she wants pancakes for breakfast." Don said.

'Yeah. Today's Conny is going to be shipped out.' I thought while pushing my tears back.

"Pancakes are not quite healthy though..." I said while thinking. I can saw their faces had a cute pleading expression on. I laughed.

"Okay fine. We're having pancakes for today." I said.

"Yay! Thank you, Sister!" Don and Nat said then hugged me.

"Okay okay. Let's make them now before the others wake up." I said.

"But we don't know how to make them." they said sweat dropping.

"The Eternity of Promises" | The Promised Neverland X Reader |Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon