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This is a sequel to New Begin For The Bennett Witch. It will be detailing a particular timeline were Klaus and Bonnie were married. They raised Hope together and had two of their very own children, Niklaus Bennett-Mikaelson junior who goes by Nicholas and Emily Bennett-Mikaelson. But as for their daughter Emily, her name was changed due to the fact that her namesake who happened to be her ancestor was still alive in their current timeline. They renamed her Nicolette Bennett-Mikaelson.

This story will tell the events of the timeline that caused Nicholas to travel back in time. In that timeline, Damon and Bonnie never conceived Marcus Bennett-Salvatore, Bonnie's first born. Her only children were the ones with Klaus. Damon only had Stefanie with Elena and were married.

Remember, Nicholas traveled back in time after a year of his mother, Bonnie and older sister Hope had died. The first book never detailed the events, which will be told in this story.

Remember again, this story begins at episode 5 (chapter 5) of the first book. The chapters from there will be a rewrite, events of the previous timeline explaining how Bonnie and Hope died.


There will be more sequels that will tell tails about previous timelines until we get to the true original timeline, the one that turned everything bitter, showcasing the person solely responsible for all the chaos.

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