Chapter 3

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Before I could attack Blitz, Striker grabs my arm to stop me but Joe steps in front of me as I continue to growl at Blitz

"Y'know... you guys should enter the Pain Games!"

Blitz scurries off over to Joe, I turn around to Striker

"I heard games! What games? I'm in!" Blitz looks over to Lin

"Every harvest festival, there's a competition to be the roughest, toughest bastard in Wrath!"

Millie crosses her arms and pouts.
"Yeah! Wish I could play!" "Millie, you know you get too carried away. The last competition ended in fifteen separate funerals."
"I'm aware, but I only caused nine of them! How come Sallie May still gets to compete?" "Your sister doesn't have a neighborhood head count."
"She so does!" Millie and Lin talk between the two as her sister, Sallie May carries a sack and a small imp drags an Imp body in the background.
Sallie May in sing-song voice "It doesn't count if they don't find the bodyyyyyy!" Millie seethes.

Lin puts her hand on Millie's shoulder "Still, you get to root for her and your brothers, and now you can cheer on your boss! Maybe even Y/N"

"Nah I'm good, I don't wanna beat these boys to their own game" I smirk, sticking my tongue at Blitz, Striker chuckled with his deep voice and walk over to me "that's a lot of talk from such a short Dolly"

I was about to say something before Moxxie starts talking as he puts a hand on Lin's shoulder. "Y'know, she can also cheer for me."

Joe wheeze-laughs and slaps his leg then went serious as my mouth drops open "Wait, you?"

"Yeah! I can compete, can't I?"
He says before Lin elbows him hard in the side and Moxxie tears up in pain.

"Sorry, boy, but I don't think sensitive, thespian types would last very long in the games."

"I was born here, too!" Moxxie drawls up his arms "I have some fight in me!"

Striker walks over and puts a hand on Moxxie's shoulder "Huh. Well then, little fella... Why don'tcha help me wrangle one o' them hogs for dinner?"
Striker mentions to a large sleeping hell hog in a pigpen, I lean against the fence

"Simple. Watch me!" Moxxie says taking a gun out but Striker grins and hands Moxxie a dagger and rope.

"Nah... with these. Bullets can't pierce the shell. You gotta get the knife underneath and pry yourself an openin'."

Moxxie gulps. "Oh! Right, right. I knew that."
Blitzo leans in toward Moxxie and grabs his shoulders. Moxxie's eyes twitch.

"Now, just remember, your rep with the in-laws is on the line here! So, no pressure at all, you totally will not make an ass of yourself in front of everyone important in your life. Go get 'em, tiger." Blitzo shoves Moxxie forward.

"Ohhh." "Mox, you don't need to do this!" Millie tells him

"Oh, he totally does. KICK ITS ASS, MOXXIE! YEAAAAAAAAAAAH!!" I say as Moxxie enters the pen. He nervously walks forward, knife in hand. Moxxie leaps forward and wraps the rope around the hog's neck. He moves the knife down and it strikes harmlessly against the hog's hide. The hog roars and runs around, trying to buck Moxxie off.

"FUCK yeah, Moxxie! Ride it, Moxxie! Make it that bitch you won't call back in the morning!"

Loona grins and records everything on her phone. "This is fucking beautiful."
"Doin' great, Moxxie!" Blitz whispers to Loona "Send me that video later." Loona nods to Blitz as Millie watches in concern as Moxxie yelps, Striker was about to go in.

Jumping in the pen, Moxxie looks up to see me, pushing him out of the way to safety. I twirls the dagger in my hand and lifts it in the air with a determine look, bringing down the knife and slaughters the hog. Putting the hog on my shoulder, Moxxie rubs his neck.
"Ow... My clavicle!"

I walk over to striker as he stands over Moxxie, his spade tail rattling like a snake. "Don't worry, little one... You never stood a chance."

Striker turns to me, handing him the dead hog, he smirked with the dead hog over his shoulder. "Even something smaller then you had more of a chance" Striker says over his shoulder to Moxxie who growls at him.
Striker rub my cheek gently then goes in my ear "such a sexy imp you are~" he growled in my ear, walking to Blitz

"Hey, boss man! You wanna help the men skin this thing for dinner?"
"Oh, I am always down to skin the manly meat with the manly men!" Blitz says, making me laugh as Loona starts walking away
"That's what she said!" Loona said, making Blitz stop "What "who said"? Wait, what bitch is talking shit about me?!" He yells, looking around. I walk beside Loona.

Striker X Female reader ( Helluva Boss )Where stories live. Discover now