adrienette/marichat: unspoken words

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I am in a marichat phase idc. gladiator 2 has triggered something in me 😐

"Hey Marinette." said Adrien, waving at his very good friend.

Marinette gulped, smiled awkwardly then said squeakily: "H-hey Adri-Adrien! How are y--you so handsome- I mean- how a-are y-you?"

Adrien sighed. It seemed as if every single time he tried to speak with her she would stutter. Maybe it was because of him. He was never really good at making friends.

The rest of the week passed the same way. Adrien would try and start up a conversation, which would make Marinette stammer, run away or make some excuse up to leave as quickly as possible.

"I've got to do something about this Plagg." said Adrien. "Plagg, claws out!"


Chat Noir leaped across the streets of Paris until he spotted Marinette, alone with a sheet of paper in her hand, muttering something under her breath.

He landed swiftly on her balcony sill, startling her a little. "Hey Kitty, what are you doing here?"

Chat wanted to tell her "oh, because I want to get to know you properly and have a normal conversation without you stuttering." but realised that would possible unveil his secret identity, so instead he just shrugged: "Just felt like visiting a friend".

Marinette stuffed the sheet of paper she was holding into her pocket. Chat was curious to find out what it was about. "What's that?" he asked, pointing at it.

Marinette blushed profusely and muttered something about needing to go to the bathroom. She left in a hurry, but accidentally dropped the sheet of paper. Chat overwhelmed with curiosity picked it up and started reading it.

To my love,

You may think of this as a love letter, but trust me, this is more of an apology.

You probably don't pay much attention to me, I'm probably just another one of your admirers and your feelings for me are probably just platonic, as you've so often declared.

I'm sorry. I'm sorry for messing up my words every single time I speak to you, I'm sorry I stammer and stutter and run away from you. I'm sorry that I can't even bring myself to be real to you. To get to know you better even though it feels like I've known you forever.

I'm sorry for not having the courage to tell you this before. It feels like every single time I try I just end up backing away. But I have the courage now, and I might as well get it over and done with. But again, I know that you deserve more than just 3 simple words.

You are my everything. From the way your perfect hair frames your perfect face to the way your smile melts my heart. And I'm not just talking about looks. It's the way you talk to me in that soft voice and the way your emerald eyes meet mine, and when they do, even for just a second, it feels like you and I are the only ones in this beautiful universe of ours.

So here it is, your three words, although I could talk about my feelings for you with 1 million more.

I love you Adrien.

Chat Noir's eyes widened in shock. He re-read the words over and over again, trying to understand. He covered his face with his hands. This couldn't be. All the times she had stammered and was lost for words. All the times she would make up an excuse and run away.

There could only be one explanation.

She had a crush on another boy called Adrien and was trying to run away to talk to him instead of himself.

Chat nodded at his conclusion and left, feeling happy for the guy called Adrien.

(A/N: BAHAHAHAHA I had you guys fooled in the first half lmaooo. no but I feel like that would be so funny. that was such an unexpected ending tho lmao. k bye 😌)

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