Chapter 24:Nocturnal Serenade (III)

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The safest choice that time was to trust them in Yoo Joonghyuk’s hands.

Cho Youngran, the First Sorcerer of Joseon, bowed behind her “Would you not go down there and join them, Your Highness?”.

“Cut off with that honorifics and formality, Cho Youngran”, Lee Sookyung watched with a yearning and nostalgic eyes when she was looking down to where Yoo Joonghyuk carried the unconscious Kim Dokja with the kids and their companions running to them “That child is safe and sound. She’s in the right hands. That’s all I need to know”.

Not yet. Not the right time.

At least, Yoo Joonghyuk kept his promise.

When Yoo Joonghyuk was looking up, he saw no one on the place where the King of Wanderers had watched over them from above.

Turning around, Yoo Joonghyuk muttered, “At least, she still has some self-conscience”.

Han Sooyoung rolled her eyes inquiringly “Huh? What did you say?”.

Yoo Joonghyuk curtly replied, “Nothing. I just feel like being watched by the unpleasant eyes for a second there”.

The next morning, even if they actually had one more day, the Dokkaebis (especially the Intermediate Dokkaebi) appeared and decided one-sidedly to close the Sub Scenarios and started the next main scenario.

[ The Main Scenario has been updated! ]

[ Main Scenario #4 – The King’s Qualifications has begun ]

[ Main Scenario #4 – The King’s Qualifications ]

Category: Main

Difficulty: A

Clear Conditions: Occupy the ‘Absolute Throne’ located at Gwanghwamun.

Time limits: 8 hours

Rewards: 10.000 coins

Failure: —

*This Scenario can only be challenged by those who have completed the hidden scenario ‘King’s Road’.

*The Absolute King has absolute commands over all the other Kings.

*There are additional special clear conditions for this scenario.

After they finished reading the King’s Qualifications and gathered in the courtyard of Gwanghwamun near the Absolute Throne, Han Sooyoung gave the Four Yin Demonic Beheading Sword to Kim Dokja. Accepting the Sword from Han Sooyoung, Kim Dokja stared at her questioningly.

Han Sooyoung inquired curiously “What?”.

“...Han Sooyoung, back then on the rooftop, didn’t you say something about the old woman of the Seodaemun Prison being the last Prophet?”.

Han Sooyoung smiled nervously and cursed another loose-mouthed herself inwardly “Ahahaha, did I? I don’t quite remember...”.

“Also, you mentioned something like Seonbae has visited her in Seodaemun Prison, either. Did it happen when I was in a comatose sleep?”.

When Han Sooyoung was lowering her head down with a tightly closed mouth, Kim Dokja patted her head “...Alright, let’s just speak about it later”.

There were Five Kings in this test.

The King of Beauty, Min Jiwon.

The King of Mercy, Kim Dokja.

Earth Dragon King, Gu Daesung.

The Maitreya King, Cha Sangkyung.

Supreme King, Yoo Joonghyuk.

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