Chapter 6

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Immediately I felt my chest tighten and my breath got short. What was I gonna do? Well, it's not like I didn't like the thought of a bullet in his head but he was the only person I had left and I loved him so I decided to go to Pimp Lane to speak directly with Vero. As much as this wasn't the best idea I had to do something. As I was walking I saw everyone in their green and black start crowding me. I showed that I wasn't strapped.

"Wheres Vero?"

"Why?"Asked Vero's brother.

"Just lemme see her."


"I wanna talk to her about Brian."

"Valid, Let her through."

As I walked to Vero's chamber I saw kids of all ages watching a man load a gun as if they were learning it. Poor kids.As soon as Vero noticed it was me she stood up.

"Look, I didn't mean to "mess" with your man.HE kissed me."

"That kiss marked your spot and now I never have a chance!"

"Maybe Brian doesn't like you Vero."

She thought about it for a second then stared at me.

"Get out."

Her gang escorted me out pushing me as if I was a chew toy for a dog. When I got out I went to the hospital to look at mom and that's when I saw dad. He was at her bedside holding her hand and kissing her and I walked in.

"You do love her don't you?"I asked while leaning on the entrance to my mother's hospital room.

"Oh hey, didn't see you there, and yeah she's my world along with you."

"Look dad I'm sorry about saying I wish you died, I was angry."

"It's okay honey, we all do stuff when we're mad."

"Do you think she's gonna wake up?"

"I know she will."

Tears welled up in my eyes.

"Dad, why did he go, what if we lose her too?"

"Hey, honey it's okay she's gonna be alright."

"What if she's not Dad we can't lose someone else."

For once my father showed compassion, love, and caring for me. He took me to my favorite childhood spot and that's when we spotted Brian.

"Hey Kris, Hey Mr.Swatt."

"Hey, Brian."

"Hey, Brian."Said, my dad.

"How's your mom?"

"Getting along better, still in a coma but getting better." "Hey, dad can I talk to brian for a moment."

"Yeah of course."

Brian pulled me into a corner and said

"I'm so sorry about last night, I lost control of myself."

"Look, it's okay but what's not okay is that Vero is threatening me because she's "in love" with you."

"Vero's  not in love with me, neither am I with her."

"Oh well."

As soon as I said those words he blurted out

"Kris I'm in love with you and Vero cant change that. Since I saw you in 7th grade I fell in love."

"Brian this is touching but... I don't know if I can fully trust u yet."

"Oh. That's why you pulled away?"

"Partially yes and no. But look meet me tomorrow at The Fountain."

"Okay. See you there."

When I got back to dad we chatted for a while then decided to head home. That's when I decided to clean my room. As soon as I got to my bed and checked under it. There it was that medieval-looking note that was written like it was her last breath.


Didn't I warn you? Leave him alone. He's mine, always will be.

                                                                            Much appreciation-Prophet$

Straight after I read the note I heard my dad shout. I ran downstairs to see him bleeding.

"Dad, who did this to you?"I said frantically.


That was the last thing he said before he was knocked unconscious. Two parents are in the hospital. My life was getting worse and worse by the day.

                                                                            CHAPTER 6

                                                                        HAS ENDED !! <3


Yall I was for real having writer's block 2 days in a row! Sorry to keep yall waiting oh my gawdd!!I have been busy but ill be able to write more so expect updates soon! I wanted to make this a little bit longer than I think around (650) words in the WRITING itself but idk so ..Enjoy!


I update every day UNLESS I have writer's block, which doesn't happen unless there's a lot on my mind.

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