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Waking up felt like a chore. I rose from my slumber wondering what day it was, I checked the calendar to see "10/22/2021".It was my SAT day. I heard my parents downstairs arguing, as always. They were always drunk it made me sad sometimes, if only they knew how it affected me. Despite the chaos, I  got dressed for school and as I wanted to avoid the argument I decided to jump through my room window, as I was about to do so I heard my father's strong voice call my name. I answered


"Get out of bed!"

"Dad I have to go to school."

No response. It was expected maybe he had kicked mom, or slapped mom, or pushed her into the staircase again. As much as I loved my parents they were always at it and that made me uncomfortable sometimes. Anyways, I was gonna miss the bus so I just jumped. The sidewalks honestly felt so lonely but, I legit kinda liked it. Got on the bus and sat at the back. School seemed so scanty almost like people were skipping school to avoid the SAT. But that's when I spotted Coraline.

"Hey Cors."

"Oh my god, Hi Krissy."

"Are you aware why people are skipping SAT day or it's just me?"

"I don't think anyone skipping though cause everyone posted about taking it on Instagram."

"Oh alright."

"How come you don't have a phone or anything?"

"Uhh."I stuttered, "Because I'm a better student if I have no phone so my parents didn't get me one."I lied.

"Ohh you have GREAT parents. When will I be able to meet them?"

"Soon, Don't worry."

We walked to class to sit our SAT and wished each other luck. To be extremely honest I was pretty confident about my SAT, I did study weeks before and last night. I was let's just say..prepared?Yeah prepared. When I went into the room I was kinda shocked and went up to the teacher.

"Ms.Jackson, what's everyone doing?"

"Their SAT and you're late. Go to the principal."

"But, I'm not late?"

"You are Ms.Swatts.Please report to Mr.Bucherman or would you rather that I escort you?"

"I'll go."

As I walked out of Room 104 I heard Cors who seemed like she was having the same convo. When I quickly hurried to Mr.Bucherman's office to not get in any further trouble. That's when I realized how I was late, I checked the CALENDER, not the CLOCK. As I entered the office  I sat and greeted my principal. Then expectedly he said that I could've missed my whole SAT exam and would've had to repeat the year.

"But as you are a good kid ill make an exception."

"Thank you so much sir, I appreciate it. I can't repeat the year."

"Understood, You'll do the exam tomorrow. BE ON TIME! This is your last warning Ms.Swatts."

"Won't happen again."

A big smile appeared on my face, as much as I had missed my most important test of high school I didn't feel too bad. At least I had extra time to study. When school was over I decided to go for a walk. Looking at my house I sighed. As soon as I entered.

"Mom, Dad I'm home!"

"Hey honey, How was school?"My mother asked.

"It was good, I sorta .. missed my SAT maybe?"

"Honey you're SAT your gonna have to repeat the year!"

"It's okay, it's okay! Don't worry I"

My dad barged in the house showing clear signs of being drunk. This was my queue but all of a sudden my dad grabbed my hand before I even touched the first stair.

"Where are you going sweet face?"

"To my room, I uh have to study sorry."

"I wanted to spend father-daughter time."

His hand was tightening around mine a clear sign I had to say yes or there would be trouble. As much as I wanted to say yes I couldn't.

"Dad...I'm sorry I have to study maybe tomorrow?"

He then started hitting me and mom tried to get him off me but it was to no avail. I cried unto him saying I'm sorry and I didn't mean to but he didn't care. This was the first time I felt hurt about it, my father abusing me. I needed help.No matter how loud my mom cried he didn't stop, I accepted my faith. Until she called the cops. I'd say my mother saved me that night. Bruises, marks, blood it was all on me. My mother comforted me while I cried. I just stayed in my room and cried, I even thought about skipping school as there were too many marks to hide but I remembered my SAT and just headed to bed, I had no choice anyway.

                                                                                CHAPTER 1 

                                                                  ENDS HERE (ty for reading!)

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