Chapter 3

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Today felt regular to be completely honest. I got a shower and got dressed and told my mom that id sees her later. While at the bus stop I put in my headphones and started playing my Spotify playlist. Two minutes into my playlist someone tapped me hard on my shoulder.

"Hey, Kris."

I recognized that voice it was Brian.

"Oh hey, Brian," I said while taking out my headphones.

"What you listening to?"

"Oh yeah, nothing."

He suddenly grabbed my phone and said,

"Fell In Luv, Is this about someone?"He said with a smirk.

I grabbed my phone from him angrily.

"No Brian it's not, we both know Love Is Fake."

"But it isn't?"

"It is, over these 4 years how many relationships have you been in?"I asked.

"Uhh, maybe 14?"

"Exactly, they didn't last."

The bus suddenly pulled up and we got on and sat beside each other. I suddenly started smiling as we sat quietly and Brian glanced at me for a moment then spoke.

"What's with the smiling?"

"It's just that we haven't done this in YEARS I never realized how much I loved it."

He chuckled."Ah yes, sorry we lost our bond it was my fault.."

"It's okay trust me, I just love how we are close again."

We both smiled at each other. Something I hadn't done in a long time to a boy. We got off the bus and immediately Cors ran up to me.

"Ou, New boyfriend, crush, husband everything?"She said beaming with excitement.

"Aye slow your roll, he's just a friend."

"Just a friend? He's the gangsta at school and you sat beside him?"

"He wasn't a gangsta when I knew him back then Cors, stop overreacting."

"Oh well, Id be safe if I were you."

I walked off shaking my head. I went to the bathroom and suddenly saw Vero. She was known for being Brians' "best friend".As I walked into the bathroom I felt someone slap me in my face.

"WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR?"I asked angrily.

"Because you little idiotic "Krissy" is messing with my man."She shouted.

"ME?Wait who are you talking about-?"



"Look I don't know what sitch you two have but stay away from him or something's gonna happen that'll make you regret knowing me."

I quickly cleaned off my face and went to class and made up my mind that I was gonna be Brians friend regardless of what she had to say. I even decided to change my style and wear makeup sometimes. Vero was a little intimidating but I was a new person and I wouldn't let her stop me. That evening I went home and asked mom for 200 bucks. She denied it at first then I told her why and she gave me it.

"Man, I love this woman"I said in my head.

I got crop tops (something I had never worn), sneakers, pants, earrings, necklaces, and most of all makeup. I was practically a new person. I got home and chatted with mom then got up.

As soon as I got up dad barged in the house and all I heard was Mom's scream then silence and the front door being slammed. I called my moms name and there was no response. I ran downstairs to see my mom unconscious on the ground. Frightened I called the police and held my mom in my arms. When they arrived they asked how this happened.

"My dad."I said tearfully.

"Where is he now?"

"I don't know."

They took mom to the hospital and I had to stay alone.

                                                                                            CHAPTER 3

                                                                           YOU HAVE REACHED THE END!

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