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After College~
The whole Group except Rose, Y/N and Jungkook went home. Rose and Y/N Live together so yeah. But Rose had some work so she couldn't go to home with Y/N. So Y/N and Jungkook both will walk home Together while chit chatting.

Y/N: Hey kook! Let's goo!! *Smiles*

Jungkook: Yeah! Let's Goo! *Smile*

Y/N: It's been a while since we walked together right?? It feels fresh again.

Jungkook: Yep! It feels nice.

Y/N: Btw for how long have you been crushing on Mia?? Would you please mind to telling me that your highness? *Teasingly*

Jungkook: Yahh!! Y/N!!!! Stop doing that. Hmph! I won't tell you if you do like this. *Pouts*

Y/N: Awee this bunny! It's ok! Sowwwy! Now tell me!

Jungkook: *chuckles* Well it's been a month since I have a crush on Mia!. *Shy*

Y/N: AWEEEEE!! This cute bunny is blushing. So cutee!

Jungkook: Yahhh! This bunny can be hot as well.

Y/N: Sure!! *laughing* but you will be a Cute Bunny for me. *Cheekily smiles*

Jungkook: *face palms* Ok now tell me! What should I do to impress her?

Y/N: Do you know her likings?? Like what kind of things she like or something?

Jungkook: Yeah! I kind of know. She kind of like badass Type Boys. So I am gonna change myself to be like that.

Y/N: And do you realize that you are completely the opposite?? You are really gonna change your appearance just for her?? *Sighs* You are good the way you are. Why will you change yourself? If she likes you, she should like how your personality is not your appearance you know?

Jungkook: I still want to though. Tomorrow see my transformation. *Winks*

Y/N: If you want then it's fine. (I don't really support this idea of kook you are perfect the way you are) *said In mind* Oh!! I guess I am home already. Then see you tomorrow kook. Bye. *waves and Smiles*

Jungkook: Bye Y/N!!! *Smiles*

The Next Day~
The Whole friend group was talking to each other and there was Y/N who was nervous about Jungkook. Because he said that he is gonna change his appearance today. Suddenly The loud scream was heard specially the girls started squealing and shouting.

Rose: The HECK?? Why is everyone so loud?

Yoongi: OH GOD! those freaking Idiots. *He cursed under his Breath*

J-hope: J-Jungkook??

Y/N and The whole group looked towards that direction. Her eyes widened to see that new look of him.

Jimin: Is That Jungkook?? WTH??? *jaw dropped*

There was Jungkook slapping everyone in the face with his Dark aura and Visuals.

There was Jungkook slapping everyone in the face with his Dark aura and Visuals

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Jungkook: Hey Everyone! *Smiles*

Y/N: Did you just Changed your hairstyle and coloured it or what?

Jungkook: You guessed it! I look good right??

Y/N: *Sighs* Yeah! You look nice. But I like the previous kook better tbh! Because that's real you. Anyways that's your choice.

The Whole group: well she is Right! You look really handsome Jungkook but that does not suit your sweet personality you Know!

Y/N: Don't be sad okay? Mia will like It! We all support you. *Smiles and Pats his shoulder*

Jungkook: Thanks.

Time skip to the Break Time~
The whole Group was as usual there in the Cafeteria. But all of a Sudden, The group of Popular girls approached their table. Let's just say, A group of Bitches approached the table. And unfortunately Mia was one of them but she didn't reveal her real Mindset or Real colour yet.

Mia: Hey Jungkook! You look really Handsome today *smirks* You wanna grab a drink with me this Evening?? Huh?

The whole group was Completely silent like no one even uttered a word. Jungkook was Happy that he got this opportunity.

Jungkook: Uh? Why not! *Light smile*

Mia: DONE! Let's catch up in 9 pm. See you later. *Smirks*

Jungkook: *just nodded*

After the Group Left. The friend group spoke.

Rose: You are really going with her Kook?

Jungkook: I guess yeah?

Namjoon: I didn't really get a Nice feeling from her Kook. Anyways GOOD Luck! *Smiles*

In this way, Jungkook and Mia started Dating. But Jungkook Started Loosing His feelings after dating her almost for 1 and Half months. He tried to keep the same feeling he used to Feel Before but little did he know Mia was only using him for Fame and Just for his looks.

Are you liking it so far??? Hope you are~~~

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