𝟕. 𝐒𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐨𝐫 𝐈𝐧 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐚𝐫𝐤.

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Zahab's fury was a palpable force, his pacing back and forth a testament to the turmoil that ravaged his soul. The main hall, once a sanctuary of warmth and laughter, now felt like a desolate expanse, each family member's face etched with worry and unshed tears. Rida's gentle sobs punctuated the heavy silence, a heartbreaking reminder of the unspeakable horror that had unfolded.

Adeena's father, a pillar of strength, reached out to Zahab, his hand a gentle touch on his shoulder. But Zahab's calm was a distant memory, lost in the vortex of his rage. His eyes blazed with a fierce determination, his jaw clenched in unyielding resolve. He had shattered the fragile peace, his heart now a battleground of fear and anger.

Until he found Adeena, until he held her close and knew she was safe, Zahab's fury would not subside. His peace was a hostage to his love, held captive by the darkness that had taken her from him. With each passing moment, his determination grew, a burning fire that would not be extinguished until she was back in his arms.

❝ How could this have happened? ❞ Zahab thundered, his voice echoing through the hall.  ❝ Where is she, Zubair? Find the location and raze his warehouse to the ground! If a single hair on her head is harmed, I'll make each of you pay with your lives ❞

His anger was unbridled, his eyes blazing with a fierce intensity, his fists clenched in unrelenting fury. Adeena's father approached him, a calming presence amidst the turmoil.  ❝ Zahab, my son, nothing will happen to her, ❞ He whispered softly, his words a gentle reassurance.

But Zahab's mind was racing, his thoughts consumed by the darkness that had taken Adeena. The men around him paced, their faces etched with concern, their minds working overtime to pinpoint her location. Midnight had descended, casting a shroud of uncertainty over their search. Where could she be? In what secret place was she being held? The questions swirled, fueling Zahab's anguish and determination.

Zahab's mind was a maelstrom of dark thoughts, his imagination running wild with every passing second. Unable to bear the inaction, he sprang into motion, racing to his car and speeding towards an unknown destination. His hands gripped the steering wheel with a fierce intensity, as if trying to wrest control from the chaos that had consumed his life.

With a deep breath, he dialed the number of the one person he knew could help him navigate this desperate hour. Sarah, the enigmatic and feared ❝ Demon, ❞ Answered on the first ring. Zahab's voice was taut with tension, his words laced with a hint of desperation.  ❝ Sarah, I need your help. ❞

Sarah's instincts kicked in, her trained ear detecting the raw emotion beneath Zahab's words. She knew him, knew the depth of his pain and the unyielding resolve that drove him. Without hesitation, she replied, her voice firm and reassuring,  ❝ I'm in, Zahab. What do you need me to do? ❞

❝ Go ahead, Zahab,❞ Sarah said, her voice crisp and decisive, as she grasped her revolver and nodded to her team to mount up.

❝ Adeena's been kidnapped, ❞ Zahab's voice cracked with emotion. ❝ I need you to burn Dirar Sheikh's warehouse to the ground and track his location.❞

Sarah's response was a gentle whisper,  ❝ Don't worry, ❞ Before she ended the call. Zahab's eyes welled up with a lone tear as he drove down the deserted road, his mind consumed by the horrors Adeena might be facing. The thought of Dirar's hands on her was unbearable, and Zahab's grip on the steering wheel tightened.

The phone call had shattered his trance, and he pressed the cold metal to his ear, seeking solace in the familiar weight of his weapon. His heart raced with anticipation, his senses heightened as he sped towards the warehouse, ready to unleash his fury upon Dirar and his men.

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