"But what if that would have been a human? I would have killed them before I even knew it!" She looked up at me.

"It wasn't. And that freezer was full of blood, much more than even 10 humans. Now what we are going to do is you will take some of my blood every morning until you can be fully in control. We will lessen it over time, but for now, love, it will keep you in control." She nodded and as soon as all of the blood was gone, we got out of the shower.

I could hear Elijah talking downstairs. I quickly got dressed, but kept my sleeve rolled up so that I could give Elena some of my blood. She walked in the room and I could hear her still worrying about herself.

"Darling, it will make you feel better, I give you my word." I said as I walked up behind her and held my wrist in front of her face. I could sense her face changing and she gently bit down, only taking a little. After a few seconds I could feel her emotions changing and a new surge of confidence run through her.

"Our guests have arrived, I will go see that they are situated while you get dressed and then I will call you down there when it is time." I said as I kissed her forehead. She nodded and I sped off downstairs.

"Elijah, thank you for your help this morning." I said as I walked up next to him. He was looking at the front door waiting for it to open.

"It was no problem, brother. Should we help Niklaus get your guests inside?" Elijah said motioning to the door.

"I believe we shall. And I have the perfect spot for them." I said with an evil smirk. I hadn't lost all of my old ways. We walked outside to see Nik's big black SUV sitting in the drive. Nik himself leaning against the hood.

"Hello, brothers. I will tell you, next time I will have my hybrids doing the dirty work. I had to snap their necks every three hours on the way here! Oh and I brought another guest." Nik said, with his arms crossed and his smirk plastered on his face as always.

I heard the passenger door open and within a second, I saw Rebekah standing in front of me.

"Ah, Rebekah, glad you came, little sister. What convinced you?" I asked as she stood in front of me with her arms crossed.

"Nik and Elijah told me everything and I got myself a dagger threat if I do not behave towards your new wife. Now why didn't I hear any of it from you?" She asked still not moving.

"Well, considering who my wife is, I didn't really want to hear you screeching over the phone, so I asked Nik to do it. Now, be nice or I will put the dagger in you myself. She is my mate." I told her, watching her eyes go wide at my last statement. "I suppose they didn't tell you everything, then." I said, looking at Elijah and Nik, both laughing. I sniggered at them.

"The doppelgänger is your mate?!" She screeched. I immediately got defensive at hearing the horrid nickname for her.

"Her name is Elena. And yes, she is my mate and my wife. You will treat her with respect as you would a sister. Who knows, you could become friends." She scoffed, but I could see the hope in her eyes as I said friends. That was all she ever longed for. She nodded and walked inside while Elijah and I grabbed the two Salvatore's from the back seat. They were still unconscious from having their necks snapped, but I couldn't help but fight the urge to kill them right there. We all walked inside and took them to the basement, which was more like a dungeon. It was an old house, and what could I say, we actually have uses for a dungeon. I turned on the lights and chained them up to the wall, I didn't bother with vervain if I was going to bleed them dry anyways.

Elena, we are in the basement. Feel free to come when you are ready, but I should tell you, Rebekah is here as well. I spoke into her mind.

I figured as much. She won't try to kill me, will she?

Darling, you wound me.Where stories live. Discover now