Monster x reader- Just a fan?

Start from the beginning

"No shit he isn't pulling away!" Jihoon said and I could feel my heart pumping so loud as I was trying my best to hold myself from going in there and punching the hell out of that girl. Jihoon saw this and patted my back.

"It's okay, I'm sure he doesn't like her back. Trust me on this one" he said as I just nodded.

The girl pulled away and ran out of the classroom while almost screaming. I felt him tap on my shoulder making me look at him.

"Now that she's gone, I'm gonna let you do your thing. You know....give you some private time to settle things with him. Just tell me what happens at lunch okay?" He said as I smiled and nodded. He stood up and was about to leave. "Thank you jihoon. You're really a good friend. Bring your girlfriend later I'll give you two a sponsored date okay?" I said. He smiled and thanked me before he sneakily went out and possibly back to the classroom.

Deoky was walking out of the classroom and that's when I went out of the hiding spot with a stern look on my face and my arms crossed. I leaned on the doorframe as he looked at me as if he saw some sort of ghost.

"Where do you think you're going mister?" The smirk on my face was the only thing keeping me an emotion away from almost bursting.

"It wasn't what it looked like" he said. I sighed and went to him before pulling his collar with one hand and dragged him back to my hiding spot and pushed him down on one of the chairs. I walked back to the door to close it and locked it.

"Oh yeah? What was it then? Who was that?" I was keeping myself calm by keeping a meter away from him.

"Just a fan" he said as I acted like I choked on something as I walked behind him and leveled my mouth to his ear.

"Just a fan huh...." I lowered my voice until it sounded a little raspy, a technique that always make him feel some type of way that I can't explain. I giggled before going around to his front.

"Is deoky feeling things for that girl?" I said with my arm around me as I checked my nails to avoid eye contact.

"I declined everything she said. I tried to leave but she stopped me and did that. I didn't try to stop her because I didn't want to be rude" he said. I bit my lip before I stood infront of him. His right leg in the middle of mine as now he was looking up at me. I stared him down and surely enough he was honest about it. He is always honest in everything and I just wanted to make sure.

"Fine I'll let this slide for now, you might be big in some areas but I swear if I see that girl all over you again I'll be bigger than you could ever imagine, I could really explode" I chuckled at the lame joke I had before I cupped his face with both of my hands and without warning I roughly crashed my lips onto his. It was so powerful and passionate and it held so much emotion and lust that the both of us didn't knew we were holding. My right hand dropped to his shoulder and the other one rested on his chest as I could feel the rhythm of the kiss go a little faster and I could feel the excitement pulsing through my veins. His hands were resting on my waist trying to pull me closer. I got tired and touched his leg to signal something as he didn't hesitate to move backwards so that I could climb on the chair. I pulled out from the kiss before getting my other leg around so that I was fully sitting on him and not just leaning. His muscular thighs were so comfortable to sit on. I got into a comfortable position before I continued the kiss. I could feel his hot tongue glide in my mouth. His actions very dominant but I wasn't one to settle in second place. I fought back and now I was the dominant one. All the lip biting making me want to just melt and I could feel him lightly grinding on me. My hand gripped on the coat of his uniform but before I could do anything the bell rang.

I pulled out as he trapped me in his embrace. I was panting and his breathing was a bit fast too. I gave him a last kiss before I stood up and arranged my uniform before it could start leaving folding marks as he did the same. We both went out and ran up the stairs to the classrooms and before we separated ways to go to our classrooms I looked back at him.

"We are not finished yet" I said and smirked before saying goodbye to him.

I arrived in the classroom and the teacher wasn't there yet. I slupmed on the chair as jihoon laughed.

"I'm guessing you guys made up" he said as I sat straight and looked at him. "Well yeah but not really it kinda still hurt a bit" I said but he only gave me the most sarcastic look he could make of. "Well the look of your lips are telling me different" he said before laughing as I smacked his arm.

"It's not like you and your girlfriend don't do that" I said. "Well we do...but not at school you little risk taker" he said as this time I accepted it and laughed along. I eventually told him what happened at lunch time and he was really proud of it though. The rest of the day was spent on wishing time could go faster so that I could go home.


So how was it guys. I think I need a tj version of this. I don't know it's been a year and a half and I'm still simping for tj. Rawr.

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