Chapter 14: A New Friend

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After getting a night's rest and feeling much better the next day, Riku messaged Iori to firstly, apologise for the day before and secondly, to do the request Iori was initially going to do. He doesn't remember much about what happened when Iori came round but from how Tenn told him to hurry and apologise to Iori as soon as possible, he knew that it didn't go so well.

Despite not knowing, neither Iori or Tenn was willing to tell what happened and said that it doesn't matter anymore. For their request, they met up with the woman who requested them at the center of Tokyo in a daycare full of young energetic children.

It wasn't a simple request to say the least, the woman- Tsumugi wasn't the one who requested them. It was one of the children.

"I am so very, very, very sorry!" she bowed down apologetically several times. "I left my phone with the children for a while and didn't notice that they stumbled onto your site and requested something. I'm so sorry!"

Riku and Iori looked at each other having no idea what to say nor what to do, they were already here so they might as well do something.

"It's alright Tsumugi-san. We can still grant any of yours or the children's wishes, it'll be free so don't worry about paying since this was all an accident." Riku said, urging Tsumugi to stop with the endless apologies.

"Oh no- I couldn't-"

Tsumugi couldn't finish her sentence as the children started to swarm the adults, jumping onto Riku and Iori and asking them to grant their wishes.

With Tsumugi's reluctance, each of the children receives one of their wishes to be granted. Most of those wishes from the children are mainly about toys or sweets.

It took them around an hour to finish with all the children's wishes and not wanting to disturb Tsumugi's job anymore, they promptly thanked her for her time and left.

"That was quite unexpected." Iori thought aloud, he and Riku leisurely walked on the busy streets of Tokyo wondering what to do next. "Since we live on the outskirts of Tokyo, we don't get to see what it's actually like in Tokyo. I suppose we can go wander about or shop somewhere?"

Iori turned his head to look for Riku's opinion on this matter.

"I found it really fun though, those kids were really cute as well and Tsumugi-san is a really nice person." Riku said. "We can go wander around if you want, I don't mind."

Full of energy, Riku walked merrily at the same pace as Iori.

Iori wondered how Riku was already full of energy after being sick, although his train of thoughts stopped when he heard a loud thud and a painful whine that sounded similarly to Riku's voice.

When Iori turned around, he saw the view of Riku on the floor face-first. The reason for this was most likely the person who's depressingly sitting against a wall at the side of the path they were walking on. Riku most likely didn't see this curled up person and tripped over the foot of them.

"Ow, ow, ow... my face feels really numb... " Riku sat up and rubbed his face, it took a second for him to notice the person who he'd tripped over and when he did, he immediately started to panic.

"I didn't see you there! Are you okay?!" Hovering over the person, Riku fumbled around to see if he could do anything while Iori helplessly watched.

Muffled and quiet, the person who had their knees against their chest spoke.

"Magical Kokona merch..."

Barely audible, Riku tilted his head and came closer. "Um Magical?"

"Magical Kokona!!!"

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