Chapter 11: Scent of First Love

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The train's doors open automatically at the station of Yamanashi Prefecture. Being at their stop, Iori and Riku got off, setting out to a strawberry farm.

The request was from a man named Kobayashi Asahi, who had asked for his strawberry farm to bear fruits. When they arrived at the strawberry farm, they were greeted by him. He looked to be in his 40s and wore old worn out clothes from having to work at a farm.

Briefly giving a quick introduction to each other, Asashi then goes further into detail about his request.

"Even though it's strawberry season right now, my strawberry plants still haven't grown any strawberries. I'll be a disgrace if I don't have any strawberries to sell! It's hard to believe that you're able to grant anyone's wish, but I'm willing to believe in anything at this point." He touched one of the strawberry plants beside him with a crestfallen face, seeing that there were no signs of any strawberries growing.

Just thinking about people not being able to eat strawberries made Riku feel sympathy for the other already, he reached for both of Asahi's hands with his and clasped them together, fully ready to grant his wish. "Don't worry Kobayashi-san! I'll grant your wish, it'll be really sad for people in Yamanashi not to have any strawberries to eat."

"Yes, thank you so much!" Because of how determined Riku sounded, Asashi didn't think to question Riku's action or being able to grant wishes.

Riku proceeded to explain to Asashi what to do first to allow him make wishes come true, before granting his wish when all the requirements he'd told were met.

While the two were in the process, Iori watched the plants miraculously grow strawberries. Even if they were at one end of the greenhouse, he could see that all the rows had ripe red strawberries.

Asahi opened his eyes after hearing Riku saying that he can open his eyes and was dumbfounded by the sight of his strawberry plants bearing red fruits.

"I've never seen a miracle like this before! You've actually created a miracle, let me pay you now." Reaching in his pocket, Asahi pulled out the money. He eagerly pulled Riku's hand and placed the money in it. "And as another thank you, would you two like to help pick the strawberries? I know it might not sound like it's fun, but you can eat some of the ones you pick and even eat the special kind of strawberries that I grow."

"Mn. We would love to help pick strawberries, right Iori?"

"I don't see any problems with helping out. This is our last request for today so I don't mind."

Riku's whole face brightened, trying to stifle his excitement. "Then that settles it, we'll be eating tons of strawberries today!"

"And picking them."

"Oh yes, and picking them!"


There were seven rows of strawberry plants in total in that one greenhouse, Asahi went away to another greenhouse after giving the two baskets to keep the strawberries in. Riku and Iori were crouched down picking the ripened strawberries, the strawberry plants were slightly elevated and when crouching down you could only see just the top of the person's head.

"This is so cool Iori! I've never picked strawberries before, can you hear me from all the way over there?" Riku shouted, he'd hardly had any strawberries in his basket because he eats them straight after he picks them.

"Yes I can! Perfectly, I'm literally on the opposite side of you so please stop shouting!" Iori shouted back. It still amazed him how Riku finds the littlest things to be fun and thrilling.

Riku flinched upon hearing Iori, not expecting for the other to shout right back at him. Although, it was kinda pay back for him shouting first. "Oh oops. Sorry, but isn't it still cool? We get to pick strawberries and they all have a beautiful red shade."

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