Yandere Norman

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Before I begin I'd just like to say that this was in my drafts because I had to go get another Covid test even though I'm literally negative cuz I'm super anti-social and shit-

Anyways yeah, let's see 😏

Includes; Bad Isabella (Not to Ray though) Yandere Norman, Emma liking Ray, dead bodies, a tiny bit of sexual tension, normal orphanage, 15 years old

Gracefield Orphanage, 2050, Canon AU (Since nobody has done it before)

Norman had always thought he loved Emma.

Her bright attitude, her enthusiastic remarks, the way she never gives up.

But when he saw the way Emma looked at Ray, eyes full on adoration, he couldn't help but feel like he strangle her until she no longer breathed.

These thoughts startled him at first, yes, but he slowly got used to it.

He realised he was actually in love with Ray.

To the point he became obsessed.

No matter how much he doesn't want to hurt his family, he'll do whatever it takes to make Ray his.

Even if it means taking a life.


Norman walked around the Orphanage home, brown shoes clacking against the floor.

He decided to go see his darling Ray.

The Platinum Blonde soon arrived at the library, gripping the handle and slowly pushing open the big doors.

He did not like what he saw.

He saw Ray laying down and resting his head in Emma's lap, softly snoring as the red-head ran her fingers through his unruly Raven hair, staring down at him, smiling softly.

Norman looked down at the wooden floor, a shadow covering his face as his hair fell forward, a grin slowly beginning to form on his face.

Sorry Emma, but I can't have you getting in the way.

Norman put on a normal facade, acting as if nothing is happening.

"Emma!" Norman softly yelled, careful not to wake his sleeping beauty.

Startled, Emma looked up to find the Platinum Blonde, taking a deep breath of relief.

"Norman, Hi!" Emma beamed.

Norman put his hands behind his back, "Emma, can I show you something?"

Emma gave a goofy grin, "Sure! Let me just..."

Emma slowly moved her legs from underneath Ray's head, keeping her hands on Ray's head.

Once standing, she gently places Ray's head on the wooden floor, careful not to hurt him.

To which Norman is content with because it didn't hurt his angel.

Emma begins to stretch her arms and legs, relieving the strain.

Once she heard satisfying pops, she skipped towards Norman, "Sorry for keeping you waiting, Ray was sleep deprived so I had to make him sleep, making him end up falling asleep on my lap" Emma explained, a red hue adorning her cheeks, to which Norman did not like.

Although he didn't like the fact Ray fell asleep in her lap, he kept up the facade, "That's alright. Come on, let's go" Norman turns on his heel and walks out the library door, Emma not far behind.

Once their both out, he pulls out a key and locks the library doors, confusing Emma.

"Why are we locking Ray in there? Is this a prank?" Emma's eyes sparkled as she clapped her hands together giddily, jumping up and down, "Oooh, I love pranks!"

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