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3rd person pov, canon AU

Gracefield Orphanage, 2040

Ray sat under the tree reading a book while the young ones of the orphanage played tag, some of the older ones too, although not knowing the dangers of outside the orphanage.

Norman has always been curious about Ray, wondering why the Ravenette was so mysterious.

The boy was only 6 years old yet he was still so mysterious.

Norman wants to learn about Ray so badly, but doesn't have the courage to do so.

So, Norman does the thing he thought would help.

Asking Mama.

Norman ran through the halls, finally finding Mama's office and pushing the door open.

Said woman had dark brunette hair along with beautiful purple orbs.

Isabella looked down at Norman, smiling softly before crouching down to the young boys height, "What can I do for you, Norman?"

Shyly but surely, Norman began to speak, "Mama, why is Ray so mysterious, and why does he always cover his face with hair?"

Isabella sighed, smiling once more, "I don't think it's my place to tell you, but..." She used her index finger, beckoning him to come closer.

As he got close enough, she began to whisper something in his ear, "Ray has heterochromia, Norman"

She pulled away from his ear, leaving the 6 year old platinum blonde to think her words.

Bright blue orbs looked up at Isabella, "Hetro-cho-ma?" Norman spoke, unfamiliar with the word, as Isabella softly laughed.

Isabella ran her fingers through his hair, gently scratching at his scalp with her nails, "Heterochromia. It means he has different coloured eyes"

Norman's eyes sparkled at that, before bouncing up and down on the spot, "What color is the eye behind his hair, Mama?"

Isabella looked at Norman with soft eyes before answering, "You might not believe me, but...his eye is purple, just like Mama's"

Norman's cheeks glowed red, a goofy smile on his face.

"Thank you, Mama!" Norman thanked, giving her a smile.

Isabella giggled softly, "No problem, Norman. Go and have some fun with your siblings" she gently ushered him out her office, gently shutting the door once he was out.

Norman ran through the house and ran outside, not seeing Ray under the tree, which made him frown.

Putting his index and thumb against his chin in a thinking position, he began to brainstorm where the Ravenette would be.

Norman mentally facepalmed, before running back inside the house to find the library.

He gently pushed open the doors to find Ray sitting at one of the tables, slowly making his way over.

Sneaking up behind him, he shouted, "Hi, Ray!" Ray jumped in his seat, not suspecting being snuck up on.

Ray turned to the platinum blonde, death in his eyes, "You better have a good explanation at why you snuck up on me, albino."

Norman only beamed, walking up to the Ravenette and cupping his cheeks, his skin feeling warm in his hands.

Probably due to the fact that Ray's cheeks were flushed, "Norman...?"

Norman only ignored it, slowly moving the huge lock of Raven hair, and holding it in place behind the boy's ear.

Norman couldn't help but stare at the Ravenette's eyes, thinking one word, beautiful...

Norman couldn't help but stare at the Ravenette's eyes, thinking one word, beautiful

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Credit to; eyebagsferdays for the picture from their Norray oneshot, Two Eyes.

Ray just placed his hands on top of Norman's, trying to pull his cheeks from his hands.

"N-Norman, let go..." Ray whispered, face red.

"Ray, why do you hide your eye? It's so pretty!"

Ray looked down, ashamed, "Because I was different from everyone else and I thought...if I hid it I wouldn't he seen as a freak..."

Norman frowned, upset that Ray thought that way about himself.

"I don't see you as a freak" Norman spoke, bring his face closer to the Ravenette's until their noses touched.

Ray looked startled for a bit but soon relaxed.

Blue stared into green and purple.

Norman pulled away for a quick second before kissing Ray on the nose, making the said boy squeak in embarassment.

Norman finally pulled away before proudly announcing, "If I ever see you think about yourself that way again, I will kiss you all over your face until you stop!"

Ray looked down, ashamed once more, trying to make it seem he thought about himself that way again.

Norman furrowed his eyebrows and frowned once more, grabbing Ray by the cheeks again and pressing kisses all over the Ravenette's face.

The said boy just giggled every single time Norman placed a kiss somewhere on his face.

The boy knew it wouldn't last long due to the fact that he'll soon be adopted, but he let himself enjoy the love and care for once.

Oneshot End

Words: 793

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