When he comes with woman

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" It's almost time " I smiled thinking about him, first time when I saw him, he made me feel peaceful, calm and safe. He gave the love that I craved my whole life.

He made me feel things that I've never felt with anyone else before them. What's even more important, he made me realize that I've never really loved anyone else in my life.

Once he entered my world, every piece of my puzzle fell into place. Everything I've ever doubted became clear. Every question I've ever asked myself was answered.

Every worry I've ever had faded away. Life was simpler and easier. Just the way it should be.

I was snapped out of all the thoughts when I looked at the next arrival of the plane, all my excitement was halted for while when I saw the announcement of the plane delayed for thirty minutes.

I sighed and sat jumping back to my thoughts again.
I was really happy and won't have to try hard with him, because he gave his best to make his intentions clear which made our relationship deep and thick.

He loved me from the bottom of his heart and he always made sure to let me know that there is no other person he would rather be with.

And each and every day, his kisses, his smile, his touch, and his eyes will prove that to me.

When you meeting the love of your life, you will instantly know that they are meant to stay in your life forever, yes that is how I felt when I saw him.

I missed so many things but not now, yes he is coming back and he will be with me forever. This wasn't easy for me to carry all my pains and emotions all alone during this difficult time.

I'm not gonna miss anything here after, my boyfriend is returning back what shall I plan? Will that be a good idea, wait no I don't think it's good but what if even he missed it, won't he feel the same. Should I try that but I'm scared.

A/n pov-
You were deeply thinking about the plans you were making to spend time with your boyfriend who would return back very soon.

You took out your phone and typed a list,
• Dinner (The Romantic Kind)
• Have An Open Talk
• Love On Each Other
• A Movie Night
• Play Video Games
• Something You Haven't Done Before
• Spend An Entire Day Together
• Whatever You Both Like To Do

You closed your phone and closed your eyes leaning back, thinking really hard about him.Your boyfriend was away for his studies, physical distance can create a rift in the relationship.

Now that he will be back, it's time to reconsider various things about your relationship. You should both know your stand on it and let each other know about your actual feelings.

You should let him know of you still feel the same way about him and ask him if he does as well. You shouldn't force anything, your feelings for him should come naturally.

Knowing where you each stand can help you start to rebuild your relationship with him.Now that he is back, it's time for you to rethink your feelings.

You opened your eyes "Do you still love him like you did earlier? Has he changed or is he acting different?" Asking yourself these questions to truly evaluate your relationship.

Any relationships can be fragile. The most you can do to keep them alive is be true to your own feelings. If you force it then ultimately it will deteriorate and end some day.

You really don't want to waste time making your decision instead to have that discussion with him. All your thoughts were halted when you saw the plane landing. The excitement that your had earlier was changed to fear now. You weren't sure how to act, you thought of leaving.

When he comes with a womanWhere stories live. Discover now