"Oh, I forgot to tell you," Lottie says as she sits down. "After we viewed the house Roberts invited you to dinner." "Just me?" "Well I live there, I eat there most days." She says. "Yeah, that's fine," I say agreeing easily. "Good because I already accepted. We're having steak. Medium rare right?" She asked packing her bag. "Yeah." "Perfect." "What are you having?" "pasta salad." She's eating cleaning again, she always does when she's training. I've convinced her to take Christmas off so she can enjoy all the treats. but that's only a week.


"ROSIE!" Lottie ran towards us picking Rose up when she got to us she spun around with her and Rose laughed loudly. "I missed you. I missed you. I missed you." Rose sang holding onto Lottie just as tight. Colin was stood beside me, his eyes piercing through Lottie's skull trying to melt her brain.

"Rose come here," Colin told her. "One minute," Rose said going back to talking to Lottie. They're a perfect pair, they can both talk for England, they legit never stop talking it's a lot. Especially when we're trying to watch a film that neither of them is that into.

"Rose now," Colin demanded. Lottie knelt on the floor and unwrapped her arms from Rose so she could pull away but she didn't. She eventually stopped hugging Lottie and went to Colin who picked her up. "I have our bags in the car. Roberts going to take her things back to his place so we can just hang around here." She told me and I nodded wrapping an arm around her waist. "Quit it," Colin told me when he noticed. Lottie tensed up and moved from me slightly so I tightened my grip, he wasn't winning this. I wasn't doing anything wrong. There was nothing wrong with the girl I love, with the love we share. Why should he make us feel ashamed of that? Because what we have is pure and beautiful. "Stop," Lottie said moving from my arms completely and taking the bags.

"I'll go get our bags." She left before I could say anything. "Why did you have to say anything?" I asked him pissed. I was annoyed angry at him. He made her feel that uncomfortable, "Because it's disgusting and I don't want it around me or my daughter." "Well too bad," I tell him putting my hands on my hip. "You're getting very brave for a woman who-"She's a child. Really?" Lottie said taking a wide-eyed Rose, Rose clung to her immediately Colin still holding on to her too. "Let her go," Lottie says. "She's my daughter." "And you've scared her." Rose wrapped her legs around Lottie's waist and she stepped back from Colin. "And just because I walked away it doesn't mean you can talk to her like that!" She warned him.

"Help me?" Lottie said taking a bag and a case. I took the other two cases. "Bye, daddy. Merry Christmas!" Rose waved. "Bye love bug." He blew her a kiss. "I don't like it when Daddy yells at you mummy." She told me. I felt guilty that she had to be around that level of toxicity. "I know baby, I'm sorry." "Why does he shout at you?" "I don't know princess."

We go to check in and check our bags and then go through security before going to the first-class lounge. We stopped for a few pictures with some fans but we tried to avoid them, not because we didn't appreciate them, but because I've been on a 13-hour flight and I'm tired and annoyed at my ex for just being him. And Lottie looked like shit. So God knows what she's been up to since I left to get Rose. I went for four days, to help her pack and then we spent two days there. We took a short trip to the farm and she visited her horse and cow.

It was odd being there without Lottie. She's always there when I go. The farmhand looked really confused and then I pulled out a key to the farmhouse he chilled out a little. They were watching us as we walked the farm. Most of them are new so they wouldn't have a clue who we were. But we spent most of our time in the city. Rose loved the apartment, she thought it was so cool I guess it reminded her of our apartment in NYC Overlooking the busy city. I was on edge every second she was there because the whole apartment is white and Rose is Rose and clumsy so I knew something would get ruined. And it did, she spilt grape juice on the white sofa. I told her not to take it out of the kitchen and she did and the sofa was ruined. I called Lottie and she was really chill about it, she said accidents happen and she'll have someone go over there to clean it whilst we were away. Rose was upset because she thought Lottie was mad at her so I called Lottie back who was in the middle of running through her audition. And she told Rose it was fine made her giggle and it was over with.

We got on the plane and Rose fell asleep pretty much instantly, she laid across Lottie and I wrapped in Lottie's zip-up hoodie she was wearing that covered her entire body because she was so small. I held Lottie's hand throughout the flight and I think I fell asleep a few times during the flight. Lottie was answering emails on her phone. "It's Christmas... no work," I tell her taking her phone. "Scar, not funny. I'm busy." She took it back. "What are you doing? You've been so busy recently." I pouted at her. "Yeah." She nodded squeezing my hand. "But what are you busy with exactly?" "Work stuff." "What work stuff." I pushed. "I'm dealing with it. But my Westend contract, which I signed for 6 years is nearly up but they want me to do a final show-"In London." She nodded. "I'm dealing with." She assured me with a smile typing again with one hand.

If she has to go back to London that means us moving in together will be delayed. We have it down to two houses both available to move into after the new year. We wanted to get Rose's opinion on them first before we chose, it's her house too. But if she's going to London for 6 months which is the shortest time she'd be away between training and the actual shows it could be longer. We'd have to start the house search again, or I'd be moving in on myself. Which I didn't want to do.

"I'm dealing with it, baby. I promise." She squeezed my hand three times. 'I love you' I did it back and was happy enough. Now I understand why she looks tired, with the time differences it would mean she'd be on meeting calls in the night and then in the day she'd have her work to do, training, emails, PR.

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