34: Hawaii: The Twins Birthday

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We missed date night because of all the drama as usual, so Hunter said he'd take her for the night when Chris has her in the day. So we'd have the whole last day together.

Today was Scarlett's birthday, I managed to sneak out of bed without waking her or Rose and go get her breakfast. I found a lady who was selling flowers by the beachfront.

I made it back and she was still fast asleep. Rose was awake on the Ipad. "Morning," I greeted her with a smile and she smiled back. "Mummy. Wake up." She said shaking her mum's shoulder. "5 more minutes." "Happy birthday!" I say sitting on the edge of the bed. I pecked her cheek. "Happy birthday mummy," Rose said coping me. "I got you breakfast, it's in the main room." "Pancakes?" She asked, "Is there anything else to have?" I questioned. Rose was already running to the main room.

"Come on." I helped Scarlett us. She kissed me a few times before we laced our hands together and looked at one another. "Sorry about last night," I tell her. "Don't mention it, I shouldn't have told you." "Yes, you should have, I should have just dealt with it maybe not at dinner." We go into the main room and Rose had already tucked in. "You got me flowers?" She asked picking them up from the chair. I nodded sitting down on the floor beside Rose. I get the rest of the food out and Scar takes what she wanted and I have what's left. We eat together and Rose was still talking about the sharks we saw yesterday.

"So what are the plans for today?" Scarlett asked me. "We're going to the market this morning!" Rose told her. "And then the beach, then the party in the evening," I told her. "You plan a party?" "Duh..." We all laughed. "It's a tradition to have a party on your birthday." We have a party for every casts birthday we have a party for any reason we can if we're being honest.


We all shower and get ready for the day, I had on a romper with my bathing suit on underneath ready for the beach after we've visited the market in the town. I had my hair tied in back in braids to keep it out of my face and I just wore a pair of sliders and my bag on my shoulder with towels, sunblock and my purse in it. "Rose-y go to Lottie for your hair, princess." Scar told her whilst she finished up getting ready. Rose skipped in and sat on the bed in front of me. "I want matching hair to you and mummy." "Okay, princess." I did Scar's hair before mine this morning.

"You want your presents now or tonight?" I asked her whilst I braided Rose's hair for her. "In a minute please." She said smiling at me like a true child. "Sure, I'll get them out once I've finished up." "I made you a card!" Rose told her. "You did?" Scarlett asked excitedly. "We did it on the plane! It's so good. I worked really hard on it." "I'm sure you did, sweetie I can't wait to see it!" Rose was really excited now and wouldn't sit still making my job a little harder but I managed to finish up.

I went to the safe and pulled out the present I got her yesterday along with her cards from a few of the cast that couldn't make the trip. I got the others out of my case, they were just little bits, things that made me think of her or I'd think she'd like.

We all sat on the bed whilst she opened her cards and gifts. "I love it Rose-y!" Scar said admiring the card her daughter worked really hard on. "I did a good job huh?" "Yeah you did! It's my favourite card ever!" She hugged her tightly littering her face with kisses. "I love you." She told her. "I love you too mummy." She hugged her mum back kissing her cheek.

She opened her gifts and got to the bracelet I got her yesterday. "It's beautiful." She said in awe, I smiled at her reaction. "You like it?" "Yeah, it's stunning." She handed it to me so I could put it on her wrist, it was a dainty silver bracelet something she can wear every day with a silver rose with a few diamonds in it on it. "It's a Rose," Rose said and I nodded.

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