2: The Double-Edged Sword

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Blue skies and greyscale

Racing thoughts competing for the prize

To be picked apart and written down

On torn-out sheets

Discarded for safety

Destroying the evidence

Or shoved in the pages of a book

Hidden in the back of a drawer

Thoughts too scared to show

But too real to scribble out

Words that play tricks

Lurking between the red lines

Warning signs

A reflex action to broken situations

It started as a choice

Blank minds too busy

Subconscious desires, the wrong "what ifs"

That became "what now"

How easy it is

To fall faster

When you want to jump

To dig deeper

And still come up empty-handed

When you adjust to the feeling

Of the double-edged sword

The duality of it all

Safety pins connect and sever

Hold and break

Earphones too loud for the world

Never quite loud enough

Drowned out by the words

That cut deeper than any blade ever could

Self-destruction, the bittersweet burning cold

Silent screaming

Too ashamed to uncover

The cracks in the walls only hold while they're hidden

Behind closed doors

Bricks built of anger and fear

Cemented by choked-back tears

That no longer fall

Dulling in the morning light

The shameful disappointment at the fading lines

A symbol of a job that could have been done better

Unclear aims

Repetition drags him back into the depths

Becoming mundane

Losing motivation in the immunity

The escape was a different-coloured trap

Stuck in the same

Words caught in his throat

Even the pen tricks him in the end

Never comes out right

The wrong time, wrong lines

He should never have written

The instinct doesn't die

But opportunity is buried

By social calls and thin walls

And doors with no lock

Watching eyes who don't know the warning signs

Truthful lies

Recited but not believed

The eyes are easily deceived

Pacified but never satisfied

Pain and pleasure

The same coin

Picked up off the pavement

Never knowing

The price he'd pay

Too far to turn back









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