2. Time Spent

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I was late.

I arrived home in what was half an hour later than what I had promised. I apologized like a madman. He told me that it was fine.


I didn't like that word from his mouth. It didn't sound right when he said it. I had failed him.

We went out anyway, despite it all. I was quiet beside him as we walked a street up to where the shop was. I couldn't find anything to say, and even so, it would probably sound more of an apology than anything else.

I relaxed once we were at the shop. It was relatively small, but books upon books filled the shelves on all the walls. It was one of the things that I liked about the place. Once Daniel left my side to look around, I realized I didn't know what to do with myself. I had no time to read anything, and I'd just be wasting money. Still, I felt that it was necessary to buy something to impress Daniel.

I hovered around the medical section, touching the spines. I looked for the cheapest book, but I should have learned my lesson before - medical books are not cheap.

I grabbed what I thought was the cheapest, weighing it in my hand then flipping through the rough pages. I could use this, I thought. A good practitioner is always prepared.

Daniel was in another section of the store, where most of the fiction was. His hands were buried deep into his pockets as he carefully leaned in close to look at the spines. I hid behind a stack of books, observing him.

It was only then did I find that Daniel was quite lanky looking. Though strong, he had a thinness about him that made him seem almost weak. It was a strange sight, indeed. His lips and brows tightened as he leaned in close too, his back arching as he gazed at the books below him.

His movements were that of a piece of art - graceful, beautiful. I envied him immediately. Was he aware of his own charm? Did he understand that he was a rare specimen that I could study for hours?

After watching him for a minute or two, I suddenly became aware of what I was doing and drew back with a blush, disappearing into another part of the store.

A while later, Daniel was back at my side asking if I had what I needed. I said I did and we headed for the counter. I told him I would pay, that it was a welcoming gift from me. He allowed me. I felt for my wallet.

"Christ," I whispered to myself. I felt around, touching every pocket on me. It was empty. I looked at Daniel, who immediately pulled out his wallet. He threw a few bucks onto the counter, nodded his head and turned back to me. I was still frozen in a state of shock.

Once we were out of the store, I told him that I was sorry, and that if we still had time, we could head back to the inn and I could grab my wallet to pay him back. He told me no.

"Please Daniel, it would be unreasonable to go to dinner now. Please, let me just get my wallet and we can go."

"It's fine. I'll pay. Show me where a good restaurant is."

There was that word again. Fine. I wanted to scream my frustration at him, that it was not fine, not when I promised I would be the one taking him out for a meal. I held my tongue, leading him to a restaurant instead. I would pay him back anyway after this, I told myself.

The place I took him was between a formal and casual spot. I went there only once on my first night in town. It was decent place that served nice food and even better drinks. Daniel and I grabbed a table.

I ordered myself something small, not at all expensive. Daniel didn't notice, and if he did, he didn't say so. He ordered us a round of drinks. I sipped mine lightly as I watched him looking around the room.

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