Headless Rider & Doctor

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No one's pov

They continued walking until it was getting dark. They were about to end the tour until, they heard a screech that sounded like a horse.

"Man, you guys are lucky. Luckier than Mikado! Come on!" Kida shouted while running towards the direction where the noise came from.

" E-eh? Masaomi, what do you mean by that?" Mikado asked.

"Well, whatever it is, we should catch up."Midorima said.

The gom and Kuroko nodded and started sprinting after them. When they caught up, the horse noise got louder. Then they saw it. A black motorbike with a person on it with a cat ear yellow helmet. (Imagine the scene of Durarara ep 1)

The gom and Kuroko couldn't explain the sight they saw. All they thought of was that it was mysterious.

"Kidachii, what was that?" Kise asked.

"That there was the headless rider!" Kida shouted.

"Headless??!!" Midorima, Kise and Aomine shouted in unision.

"How do you know if it is headless?" Akashi questioned.

"Hai, I want to know as well. " Kuroko said seriously.

"Ah, hang on let me......mm.....head...less...ri..der....ah! Here it is!" Kida exclaimed while showing them the pic of the headless rider. (Without the helmet)

"Aaaaah!!!" The gom yelled at the same time and ran behind the pole, except for Akashi and Kuroko.

"It really is headless." Kuroko said as he looked at the picture.

"But, it could have been photo shop you know." Akashi said as he examine the picture carefully.

"Eh, photo shop?" Kise and Aomine said as they came out from hiding.

"Ano, Celty-san is nice. She's not scary or anything. " Mikado said suddenly.

"Hai, I agree with Ryugamine - kun. Celty-san is really nice and comforting at times."Anri agreed.

"E-eh? Mikado-kun, Anri-chan how do you guys know this?! Ah~ I'm left out. We have to go see him!"

"Him is a she." Mikado said.

"E-eeeeeh!! A-a girl! No way!" Kida shouted in disbelief.

"Mm, and I know where she lives." Anri said.

"We have to go now!" Kida said eagerly and in excitement.

"But Masaomi, it's about to get dark."Mikado reminded them.

"A-ah, I, I see. There's always tomorrow right?" Kida said with a bit of hope in his voice.

"Mm! Kidachii, we're staying in Ikebukuro for, how long Akashichii?"

"Hm....We'll be staying for 4 more days." Akashi said.

"Yay! Arigato, Akashichii! So, there you have it so we'll see you tomorrow! "

"Yeah, let's meet where Simon is at 10 'kay?"


They said their goodbyes and went different paths. They started walking but then, there was a big problem.

"Ah." Akashi said as if he realized something.

"What's wrong Aka-chin? "

"Um, everyone. We have a problem. "

The gom and Kuroko turned and faced Akashi with confusing faces.

"What's wrong Akashi. " Midorima asked.

Kuroko no Drrr!! (Kuroko no Basket & Durarara Crossover) [COMPLETED]Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant