Instead of seeing the luminous house like always, she was met with candles lightly illuminating the hall. With rose petals on the floor, and a Polaroid picture on the railing of the stairs. It was a simple picture of her and Scarlett together, they smile at the cameras with keys in Lizzie's hands. It was from when they bought the house, the picture has a note under it.

Meet me on the roof beautiful.

Lizzie smiles softly and takes the picture with her, she followed the path of rose petals and made her way upstairs. She was met by many pictures on her way always with a note under it citing all the things Scarlett loves about her, she finally arrive on the roof where the older woman was waiting for her with a loving smile.

"I thought you didn't like cheesy couples." Lizzie said with a small smile pointing at everything around her. "You do." Scarlett answered looking at her girlfriend up and down several times. "You're beautiful Liz."

Lizzie blush and makes her way to greet Scarlett properly, once they break apart she bits her lips stopping herself from smiling too much. "Can we talk about you? I love the dress. So what's the occasion? Did I forget our anniversary again?" She asked a bit anxious.

She did forget their anniversary the first year they were together, Scarlett wasn't very happy about it and make her sleep on the couch. What she doesn't say is that she went to sleep with Lizzie in the middle of the night because she couldn't sleep alone. "No, I just wanted to treat you to a nice date. It's been so long since it was only you and me. Rose's with Chris by the way." Scarlett answered leading Lizzie to the table, like the gentlewoman she is she pushes Lizzie's chair for her, getting a cute thanks from the younger woman.

"When did he arrive in New York?" Lizzie asked curiously. "Yesterday." Scarlett answered her while playing with her fingers intertwined them and stroking their thumbs together.

During the night they talk softly, laugh, or most of the time they just admire each other. Scarlett made her way to the kitchen a couple of times to bring the food upstairs.

"Dance with me." Lizzie proposed getting up and holding her hand out for Scarlett to take. They were between the main course and the dessert, and it was now night meaning their only lights were the candles in the middle of the table and the fairy lights.

"We don't have any music." Scarlett giggled taking her hand. The slightly taller woman brings her close to her and shrugs. "Just humme a cheesy romantic song then."

And that's what she did, they dance for a little while. Scarlett reaches to stroke Lizzie's neck absently, she plays with her baby hairs making Lizzie look at her adorably. "What?" Scarlett whispered afraid to break the moment.

"I'm in love with you." Lizzie mumbled honestly which makes Scarlett smile and kiss her. "Yeah?" the blonde wondered brushing her nose against Lizzie's. "Yeah."

"That's a good thing then because I'm in love with you too." The older answered breaking their dance, she turns around Lizzie and grabs the little box deciding that now was a great time to propose. "Eh, why'd you leave me?" Lizzie pouted when Scarlett came back in front of her.

"I need to do something, something quite important and lives changing. Something that I wanted to do since the first time we mentioned it. I love you Lizzie and you're my person. Since the first day we met, you were by my side, as a friend, as a girlfriend, and even as the mother of my child. It has always been you and always would be. I'm tired of calling you my girlfriend, I want more I want to call you my wife so I'm asking you. Would you do me the honor to marry me Elizabeth Chase Olsen?" Scarlett asked kneeling in front of her girlfriend opening the box showing the ring to Lizzie.

Scarlett's speech had made her tear up she knew it would come soon but it still surprised her, she takes a deep breath not wanting to make Scarlett wait too long. "Yes of course I will." She breathes out nodding and helping the other woman to get up.

Scarlett takes her in her arms and pulls her in a passionate kiss, they laugh happily breaking the kiss. The blonde takes the ring and slides it on Lizzie's left ring finger kissing her hand when it's done. "For now I'm maybe not your wife but you can call me your fiancée. The ring is beautiful Scarlett." Lizzie said in awed holding her hand in front of her.

"It's only beautiful because it's on your finger." Scarlett flirts now that she's relieved of her stresses. "I'll be honest with you I was a little stressed even though I knew you would say yes."

"Understandable, this is why I let you do the asking." Lizzie joked before kissing her new fiancée. She can't think of a moment she smiles that much, maybe just one when Rose called her mama, but it isn't the same smile. "I love how you did it, how did we make that many pictures?"

"Don't know but while we're at it, time to take our picture dear fiancée." Scarlett said in a British accent taking the camera which was on a flower pot next to them.

Over the years of using the thing, they became experts of it. Making it pretty easy to kiss and take the picture. Scarlett shakes the picture to dry it and takes a look at it when the image is available. We couldn't see a lot of their faces since they were kissing but Lizzie was holding Scarlett's face showing her ring, and some fairy lights can be seen in the background. "I like it, where did you have the camera by the way. I never asked."

"My dad gave it to me when I was just a kid, always loved the concept of taking the moment in pictures and having it immediately in your hands." Scarlett told her honestly while she notes something under the picture.

Lizzie smiles when she wraps her arms around Scarlett's waist from behind and rests her head on her shoulder to read what her fiancée wrote.

I love you for your everything.


A cute little chapter, I hope you're taking care of yourself.

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