11- Witch

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AS THE MORNING CAME once again, Greta peeled her eyes back. She arose from her bed and approached the window, seeing that the sun was hardly halfway up the horizon. What had woken her so early?

She shrugged and was just about to turn around and go back to bed, but something out of the corner of her eye caught her attention.

She looked back out the window, this time seeing it. It was Charlotte darting across the fields.

Although it wasn't the first time Greta watched her do this, it was the first time she was curious enough to follow her. What did she even do in the forest, anyways? Surely there wasn't anything in there interesting enough to occupy her attention every single morning for at least an hour, and for many years. Greta hurriedly threw on a coat and snuck downstairs.

"Zamira, what should I do? I simply cannot marry Unraed, for a life by his side would be pure torture. I don't want to rule a country, I can't! But if I dare run away and am found..Surely I could be executed." Charlotte rambled as she picked up a brown crystal.

Zamira huffed, concerned for her friend's wellbeing. What would become of Charlotte? Would the two be able to remain friends? Would Unraed be a terrible husband to her? It all had happened so quickly.

The hand-crafted wand snapped under the pressure of Charlotte's hands. She cursed.

"Zamira, do you mind running back to the stump and fetching me my other wand? I'll have to fix that later." She asked kindly.

The dragon turned towards the correct direction.

"Thanks." Charlotte called after her retreating figure, watching it blend into a fog amongst the trees.

As the bride-to-be read the freedom spell from her newly-found witchcraft book, another person lurked about in the forest. Greta quietly crept towards Charlotte, and then ducked down into a seated position behind a large rock. Peering over the top of it, she had a perfect view of Charlotte and her activities.

"What is all that..." She mumbled in thought.

She then noticed the book in her old handmaid's arms. With squinted eyes, she was able to make out the title.

"A Beginner's Guide to Witchcraft...Learn to Obtain All That You Desire," Greta read, "Dear God, she really is a witch!"

The initial shock was too much to bear. The princess ran back towards the castle and slammed her bedroom door shut. She didn't know what to think. Why was Charlotte practicing witchcraft? How long had this gone on? Was she using it on Greta, or...No!

It all made sense. No wonder Unraed was so incredibly obsessed with her! And no wonder she always made Greta feel so strange, so conflicted inside! But what was she to do with the information? Although she didn't particularly like Charlotte, she still didn't want to sentence the girl to death! But couldn't possibly allow a witch to run loose around the castle...

"What do I do, what do I do..." Her majesty wondered aloud as she paced her room, still in her nightgown.

The day went on incredibly tense for everyone. The queen was impatiently awaiting Charlotte's completion of her training, the king growing anxious about passing down the crown to even his most trustable child. Zamira was waiting in the forest, terrified she'd never see her friend again. Stymie was still recovering and now growing fearful of having to return to his work and leave the safety of the maid's rooms. Piper was frustrated with Unraed's ignorance to her beauty and preparation for a crown, Greta faced confusion all day on how to address Charlotte's situation, and Charlotte herself was dreading each waking moment.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05 ⏰

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