7 - A Thief in the Castle

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THE ACTION SENT a shiver down Charlotte's spine, as she was already nervous from how abrupt his movements had become.

"M-Maybe, I don't know. What is an Eastern person doing all the way up here? I don't suppose there's many opportunities for a man of your culture here." She responded with hesitation, knowing that those of his descent had yet to earn much of a place in her country.

Nigel's feet glided around the floor with such grace, grace far more than expected from a pirate. In fact, the entire room seemed to notice this, as anyone who walked or danced by the couple was intrigued by them.

A suspicious Muslim showing up out of nowhere, invited by whom? Nobody seemed to know who brought the stranger. Yet, he seemed of high nobility as he danced and dressed as a refined young man, and- despite the hint of an eastern accent- he spoke with a sense of authority. And the way he walked right up to the prince's fiancé! The man had no fear, no shame for how easily he swept the fair maiden off of her feet and brought her to the dance floor.

The woman herself was another story! The guests of the ball had instantly fallen in love with her, for she was as beautiful as the current princess of the land- no one could say that, but it was a thought everyone shared.

In fact, Lady Charlotte seemed to be more fit for a ball that fancy anyways. She cleaned up better, spoke and walked with more grace, and already seemed to hold a confidence that Princess Greta simply didn't possess.

Speaking of her highness, she was nowhere to be seen. Where had the unfit princess gone? The guests didn't care. They never did, in fact, as everyone always came to these events for Unraed and his next trick. This one, his fiancé, was by far the best.

So seeing her dance with the dark-skinned stranger was quite the entertainment for the ballroom guests...Oh, the stories they would tell their families! Even the royal guests from the neighboring kingdoms soaked up the gossip.

"That's exactly why I'm here, actually," Nigel answered, "To prove that there's always an opportunity available if you really search for it."

Charlotte snorted. "You are more foolish than you appear if you believe you can waltz into a country full of conquerors and thrive as a foreigner."

Nigel ignored the annoying pain in his heart and smirked through it. "Fool I must be then. I wear the title rather nicely, do I not?"

She gave him a quizzical look. "You have a plan."

Nigel quirked a brow at her. "Bold assumption, your highness. How can you be so sure?"

Charlotte looked at the floor for answers, questioning herself with the man. "I just am."

He smiled, and the song ended. Charlotte stepped forward as if to not let the moment pass, but to ask a man for a dance was unheard of.

"The next one?" He asked as if reading her mind.

Speechless yet again, she could only give a shallow nod. Nigel bowed, offered her his hand, and she cautiously took it again.

His skin, though foreign to her, was hot to the touch. She melted into it despite what her instincts told her. Her curiosity was getting the best of her, despite her initial wishes for the night.

"Would a fool be dancing with someone like you?" He asked, wrapping an arm around her waist with the melody.

"I do not know who that person is." She admitted.

"Such a person requires careful interview. Try getting to know her, and you will have your answer."

After that, the two danced in silence. The first half of the song passed as they looked only at one another.

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