What If

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So guys I came here with a new game here I will give you some situations and you have to say How will you surpass that situation...and what will be your reaction that time

So guys tag your friends here please 🥺

So let's start....

1. What if you were the president of your country

2. What if you could stop time whenever you wanted to

3. What if you could change one thing about your past

4. What if you could be any animal what it would be

5. What if you found a million dollars

6. What if you had three wishes? What would you wish for

7. What if you woke up with a dead stranger next to you

8. What if a ghost haunted your bedroom at night

9. What if you could change one thing about the person you love? What would it be

10. What if you could read minds

11. What if you could fly

12. What if you were a tree

13. What if you found out you were really a robot

14. What if you could change one thing about yourself? What would you change

15. What if you could marry someone famous, either living or dead

16. What if someone kidnap you while walking on the road

17. What if you were offered the opportunity to go into space

18. What if you get all your favourites food for whole day

19. What if you see something you are not to see it

20. What if we cannot have happiness without sadness

21. What if money doesn't exist in our world

22. What if you could relive any moment in your life whenever you wished to

23. What if money used to grow in trees

24. What if any day everyone in the whole Earth die and you were the only one who is alive.... what will you do

25. What if you die right now

So it's the end of this game

Hope you enjoyed it

Take care.... keep smiling

Love you ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

So I am tagging my friends here:


Sorry if I forgot someone...

Not in Mood to joke Just crying whole day

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