Chapter Twenty*

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I wake up to a text message from Hotch letting me know that since we don't have a case and everyone is caught up on paperwork, we're just going to be on call today aka no need to go into the office.

I run my hand through my tangled hair as I climb out of bed and walk into the bathroom. My body is drained from my emotional outburst last night and all I want to do today is eat ice cream straight from the carton and watch trash TV. I just need a day to completely disassociate from my current state of being.

I look over at my standing shower and regret not getting a place with a bathtub. But alas, I chose an apartment with a spare bedroom to host my lair rather than one that has a bathtub for days like today. I turn on the water of the shower and allow it to get hot before I step in. The hot water helps release the tension I hold in my shoulders and back.

I decide to do a full shower routine this morning with the hopes it will make me feel like a human again. I start by washing my hair with my coconut and vanilla scented shampoo and conditioner. Then apply a hair mask and exfoliate my skin with a brown sugar body scrub before I shave. I take my time, really allowing myself to focus on the small task of shaving my legs like it was the most important thing in the world. Once I've made sure I didn't miss a single hair, I rinse out the hair mask and step out of the shower. I already feel more relaxed as I towel dry my body and apply my whipped vanilla body butter to my slightly damp skin.

I allow my hair to air dry as I slip into black bike shorts and my black FBI crewneck that I got when I was in the academy. I quickly make myself breakfast before sitting down on my second hand couch and turning on my TV. I absentmindedly flip through the channels before I land on a random reality show. Perfect.

I spend my morning glued to my couch, allowing the overly dramatic scenarios on screen to slowly lower my IQ. This is what I needed today. It's been over nine months of stalking, planning, and executing my father's revenge with the main goal being to destroy the BAU and Aaron Hotchner from the inside and my brain needed a break. Just one day where I didn't have to watch every word I say and facial expression I make, a day where I can just turn my brain off.

I'm halfway through my fifth episode when my phone starts ringing. I swear to god if it's Hotch or Garcia calling me with a case I'm going to lose it. I take a deep breath, calming myself a bit as I flip my phone over to see Spencer's name flashing across my screen. My nerves instantly settle and I pick up the phone.

"Hey handsome," I say smiling, "how are you?"

"I'm good," he tells me, "how are you feeling after yesterday?"

I sigh, "I'm feeling okay today. I think the reason I freaked was because so much happened in less than twelve hours. I didn't have enough time in between to process, you know?"

"Yeah, I do. And I am glad that you're doing better." He pauses for a moment, "I was wondering if you would want to go out tonight. We can go to this new Italian place that Rossi recommended, if you'd like."

I sit up and feel a smirk come across my face, "Dr. Spencer Reid, are you asking me out on a date?"

I hear him laugh, "yes. Yes I am, Cara Ash. So what do you say? Will you go on a date with me?"

"Yeah," I say, my voice is light and happy as I respond, "I would love that."

"Perfect, I'll pick you up at 7:00. See you tonight, Cara."


I stand in my closet and stare at my small wardrobe. I want to look nice tonight but I realized about two minutes ago when I came in here to finish getting ready, that I actually hate everything I own. I comb through the few dresses I have and I spot my black one that I wore for girls night close to two months ago now. I pull it out and hold it in front of me. This should work.

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