Chapter Four

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We find Dana Rogers after three hours of interrogations and searching every square inch of the mall. She was hidden in the trunk of a car in the underground parking structure. We discovered that our unsub was on of her father's coworkers who saw a photo of Dana on his desk and became obsessed. He went to her volleyball games, always asked her dad about her, and started full on stalking her a week ago.

Today at the mall, when she was separated from her friends, he saw his opportunity. He told her that her dad was in an accident and once he proved to her that he works with her father, she went with him willingly.

After making the arrest, returning Dana to her parents, and finishing our paperwork with the local PD, it's 9pm and we're all exhausted. I'm the first one on the plane and take a seat in the back. I usually sit back here, probably because it helps me remember that I'm not one of them. I might be on their team but I don't share the same goals as they do. I have my own agenda and sometimes I need to separate myself as a reminder.

I look up when I hear the rest of the team board the plane and Spencer surprises me by taking the seat across from me. He always sits on the couch or at the four person table near the front of the plane.

I smile as he takes his seat, "wow you're sitting on the back of the jet with the newbie. That's different."

Spencer lets out a short laugh, "yeah, I wanted a change of scenery. Plus, we got interrupted this afternoon. You were just starting to tell me about growing up in New York when we got called in."

"You're right," I say, sitting up a little bit as the plane takes off. Once we're in the air, I continue. "Where did I leave off again? I'd figure you could tell me given that super great memory of yours."

"An eidetic memory," he says with a smile and I roll my eyes. "You told me how your mom used to take you to museums across New York City when you were younger. Why's that?"

I shrug, "we didn't have a lot of money and a majority of museums in New York allow locals to pay very little for entry. But even as I grew up and had a bit more independence, I found myself drawn to museums. They became the escape from my life that I needed."

I could tell him that it was also a good place for her to leave me, knowing I'd be occupied for hours, while she got her drugs but I choose not to disclose that. She saw it as virtually free childcare. I'm honestly shocked I was never kidnapped or worse.

"What about you? Where is the place that you feel the most comfortable?"

He leans back in his seat, thinking hard about the question. He taps his fingers together and furrows his brows. He really is handsome, I realize. Maybe getting him to fall in love with me won't be nearly as miserable as I planned.

"There's a bookstore in DC that specializes in collectibles and first editions. Whenever I go there, I'm surrounded by the smell of old books and mahogany and I feel like I'm at home," he tells me, a soft smile creeping onto his face.

"Sounds nice," I tell him, "maybe you can take me there sometime? Even though I've been in DC for years, I still feel like such a tourist."

He smiles again, "yeah I'd love to show you. Maybe tomorrow?"

I lean in so that anyone who's eavesdropping can't hear, "it's a date."

I see the blush rise up his neck as he nods in agreement. I smirk, this whole getting him to fall in love with me might be a lot easier than I thought.

Today started the same as every other day. I woke up, went on my run, showered, ate breakfast and spent an hour in my creepy, unsub room plotting my revenge. You know, an average day of any well-adjusted adult.

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