I walk through the back entrance of the club, smoothing out my hair in nervousness. My heels clip against the concrete hallways and I can hear the music thudding through the wall from the club. I don't bump into anyone till I get into the club. A dancer is coming through the door from the club we almost bump into each other but I move to the side for her to pass. She offers me a small smile in thanks, she's slightly sweaty and is maybe in her late twenties or early thirties. She's a lot older than the other dancers here though.

She walks through and wonders off down the hall swinging a small bag of cash as she walks. I push back against the door again and make my way over to the bar. There's already about twenty customers mulling around the stage where I assume the dancer I just bumped into had finished.

I get behind the bar and start lining up glasses in preparation before letting my eyes wonder around the club. There is the usual large men who work security dotted around the area but I don't see Seven or Curby anywhere on the floor. I know they're here because Seven's car is parked out back and usually wherever Seven is, Curby isn't far behind.

"Four whiskeys on the rocks." The same brunette server from Saturday barks from the other side of the bar, resting her black tray on the counter for me to begin loading drinks onto it.

"Coming up." I tell her and grab four short glasses and shovel ice into them before placing them on the tray. I turn and grab the whiskey bottle and begin to pour the drinks.

"I like your top." The server says and I look up at her surprised by her compliment.

"Thanks." I give her a shy smile.

"Didn't think I'd see you back here to be honest." She says as I pour the third drink.

"Really?" Is that why she was rude to me my first day?

"Yeah you preppy kids don't last here more than one night usually." She comments and I ignore the condescending way she called me kid even though we're clearly close in age.

The fact she thinks I'm preppy is amusing.

"Oh yeah?" I ask her and pour the last drink.

"Yeah." She looks at me up and down. She's wearing a different outfit tonight; a leather black bra with stars for cups and matching black leather short shorts. They're more like boy short underwear length but the silver button at the front gives the illusion that they're shorts.

"Guess I'm not that preppy then." I finish the drinks and smile at her. She eyes me for a moment before returning my smile and taking the tray of drinks away.

I put the bottle back on the mirrored shelving behind the bar my eyes meeting a pair of viridescent spherules in the mirrors. Seven. He's leaning against the bar counter when I whip around to face him properly.

"Hi." He greets. He looks good as always. Curly brown locks pushed back off his forehead in an effortless style. He's wearing a black suit jacket but it's unbuttoned to reveal the causal thin white t-shirt underneath. The bird tattoos on his chest peek out like usual. I always wondered what they were till I saw him practically shirtless at the door of his office on Saturday. I blink the memory of his toned body out of my mind.

"Hey." I step to lean my arms on the bench in front of him. His eyes regard me, bouncing over my face then down to my neck eventually landing on my chest where the small amount of cleavage I have is on display from the corset.

"Can I get you something?" I offer and his eyes flick back up to mine and he clears his throat.

"Uh yeah just a water." He requests and I raise my eyebrows questioningly. Is he joking?

SevenМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя